
Which countries/governments are really doing well @ cutting greehouse gas emissions?

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Which countries/governments are really doing well @ cutting greehouse gas emissions? Or what interesting policies do you know of?




  1. The one's most decieved by the "Global Warming" farce !

    When the earths history is filled with examples such as the one in which, Egypt used to be a lush fertile "green" place which changed into the dry place it is today, and the change occured well before the industrial revolution.

    It is plain to see that the earth naturaly goes through tremendous changes, such as the current warming trend it is naturaly going through.

  2. tyejdtyed

  3. Sweden and Germany are doing very well and the UK is catching up slowly. America is doing as bad as ever. If you don't believe me then take a look at this neat little concept called ecological footprinting. You will find per capita US citizens have the highest level.

  4. The UK isn't doing that well, plenty of hot air mind, but that's Blair for you.

    At the other end, yes China is the biggest, but with 7 TIMES the population.

    As for biofuels, they save a meagre amount of carbon, if any. Biofuels is all about 'energy security' otherwise known as peak oil. Climate change is just an opportunistic cover

  5. This may come to you as a shock but the United States is probably doing more to lessen green house gases than any other country on the planet. Unfortunately, the warming is a joke on us, as we all pay more at the pump for gas because of ethanol based gas, the food supply based on corn has quadrupled in price, and lastly its all based on the man made global warming myth.

    The greatest polluter of the planet is China.

    The shallow waters surrounding China have severely polluted by increasing run off of contaminants polluting the ocean.

    Check out:

    Also China is number one in greenhouse emissions!

  6. Al Gore is an idoit. Global warming does not exist!!!!

  7. There are studies (with toplists) which will answer this question easily:

    WWF Climate scorecards:

    Germanwatch study:

    And basic data and measures countries are taking:

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