
Which countries in the world still have monarchy? You think the countries with monarchy are somehow better?

by Guest62297  |  earlier

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Which countries in the world still have monarchy? You think the countries with monarchy are somehow better?




  1. The United Kingdom, Spain, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Thailand, Japan, Jordan, Morocco and many more countries all have reigning monarchs (see here: )

    I can only speak from being from the United Kingdom, but I think having a head of state who isn't elected and doesn't have anything to do with politics is a very good idea because the Queen just represents our country and helps charities etc.

  2. My country has a monarchy, and I honestly think this is something good. If I'm not wrong, it says somewhere in the Holy Bible that a country that have a (royal family) / king is blessed in particular...

    (Correct me if I'm wrong)

  3. part 1

    type monarchy in google and find out ok....dont be lazy

    part 2

    better compared to what? compared to democracy?

    ur ex presidents jailed....

    a few others thrown after a coup...

    do u hear that in a monarchy?

    its only as good as the person running it.

    the car is ok it is the driver that sucks

  4. Yes, I definitely believe that any nation with a monarchy is a benefit not only for its people and government but also for their rich culture and tourism industry. Many local people and tourists would definitely want a glimpse into the very exclusive royal lives and to be able to shake hands with such royal figures is an honor and privilege. During historical times and possibly still in some royal families around the world, a monarch was seen as a representative of God, and that God has chosen that particular individual to have the power to rule over its own people. In many other cultures such as Japan, an emperor was immortal and he was worshiped as a deity figure.

    A monarch is a symbolic figure and to have that royal figure to represent their own nation is definitely a boost in international affairs and charity events. With their status and symbol, they could do so much more for their people and country compare to a republic nation.

    There are probably less than one hundred nations with a monarchy and they include,

    United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, Monaco, Thailand, Japan and a few other small European, Middle Eastern, Asian and African countries.

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