
Which country do you feel is America's greatest ally?

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Which country do you feel is America's greatest ally?




  1. UK

  2. Well depends on what you consider greatest. If you mean by greatest military strength then the answer would most likely end up being The UK or even Russia, or China if you view them as allies. If you mean diplomatic wise then probably Canada. Canada and the US have had a very good longstanding relationship, and Canada will almost always support us in our endeavors and undertakings. The UK will also support us but not nearly as fully as Canada will and might disagree with us for their own personal reasons.

  3. Well it's not France. England is over in Iraq just the same as Americans are so I would have to say it was them.

  4. United Kingdom of course. I  wish that they would start telling us no when the 'Bushies' start war mongering.

  5. This is VERY easy

    Great Britain aka UK

    ...we're like family lol

  6. the answer should be China

    the reason for this is that our economy and China's economy are totally intertwined and mutually dependent at this point.

    China owns the largest stockpile of US dollars in the world. They hold our economy in their hands.

    We also have extreme influence on their economy, because we are the biggest market for Chinese manufactured goods.

    China and the US are both large, industrialized capitalist countries with huge land areas, huge populations, and a huge appetite for energy and resrouces. They have a lot in common, and a lot of shared interests.

    Unfortunately, there are lots of people in both China and the US who don't realize this yet and who talk a lot of talk about how China is our enemy. This is stupid and it should stop.

    China and the US could be the greatest potential allies of the 21st century.

  7. canada or the uk but canada is the BEST

  8. The way bush is handling tings

    i doubt we will have allys for very long

    i think china


    we buy most of our products from china to manufacture the products into consumer wants to make more money

    ok thats good

    have a nice day

  9. pakistan

  10. Australia.

    Australia has a free trade agreement with the US.  We have also fought side by side with the US in every military action (and peacekeeping effort) since we became a federation in 1901.   We were there with you in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.  Your closest friends are those that help you out when the chips are down, and aren't afraid to tell you truth, even when you don't want to hear it.

  11. CANADA!!!! They do anything we tell them too!!!!

  12. United Kingdom

  13. Us Brits of course, we have always been united after the 2nd world word. It's us against the rest of the world my friend.

  14. "Great" Britain, by definition.

  15. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...


  16. Well, from living in the UK, and regarding a lot of political issues, America's political ally is the UK. Although from the business world, America can derive its supplies from India and China, which would put that duo as America's ally.

    I think it all depends on perspective, but good question though.

    Hope that helped,

    Rory :)

  17. the UK

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