
Which country do you think has a better standard of living? UK or USA?

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I just got engaged to a British citizen and he left it up to me whether we should move to the UK or USA. I've been living in the UK for 4 months now on a tourist visa and I have been weighing out the pros and cons between the two countries.

It seems like America doesn't have anything going for itself and it's going downhill with the economy and a less than admirable welfare system in the UK.

It also seems that it would be easier that I move to the UK. One I have a degree and it would be easier for me to find a job and go to school to get an even higher degree to earn money. I wouldn't be in a big rush to find a job for benefits such as health insurance because they have universal healthcare. My fiance will also be able to go to school to get his degree (he doesn't have one but wants to go to school in a lucrative field. Yes, the weather sucks and I don't like but I can get used to it and if I need the sun, Europe is in my backyard and I could go to Spain and he owns an apartment in Bulgaria. We can live anywhere in Europe because he's a European citizen, if choose not to live in the UK. Also, if we live here for 5 years, keep our head down, save a lot of £££, and move to the states, we would be able to afford to because the value of the £££ is twice as much as $$$. Another con, I don't know if I can handle being away from my parents because they are old. Another con, is that it is very inconvenient here, stores and pharmacies close early, but I will get over this easily by preparation.

If we move to America, I would have to rush to get a really good high paying job to support the both of us while he looks for a job. It will be on my shoulders (if I do find a job quickly) to put him under health insurance under my employer (if I am allowed to). He on the other hand, does not have a degree and he will have a hard time finding a job here. I will be stuck in a dead end job just to keep us afloat and keep us on health insurance. I will not be able to hold a fulltime job and earn my Master's and he will not be able to go to school to get his degree. I can try to do both but it will be very, very difficult. Cost of living is high in San Francisco and we won't be able to get our money's worth. Pro -- I'll be close to my family. Con -- If we decide to move back to the UK, we wouldn't be able to afford it because the dollar value is low and it will cost us twice as much to move there.

Ugh, I don't know.




  1. You definitely sound like you really prefer the UK option.

    Is there any chance that your parents would be willing to move too?  They seem to be your only real hesitation.

    I would agree that, for overall quality of life, the US is on the skids ('s really painful to have to admit that), and the UK is doing there's so much to see and do, and Europe is so close by!

    Just a note: the pound will not always be worth twice as much as the dollar  (of course, it could end up worth three times as much as the dollar, or it could be on par with the dollar, although I would bet on continued weakness in the US economy).

    I don't know if UK immigration officials are"difficult" as US ones are, but you might want to also factor in the 'hassle' factor of dealing with them too.

    Best of will be an adventure in either case.

  2. I have only lived in the U. S. of A. and so am prejudiced towards being here.

    Why not try us out for several years and then see how you are feeling.  You two are young and can be very mobile.

    Best of luck to the two of you.

  3. I drive big cars, lots of auto sports, I can barely afford the gas in the U.S., no way I could afford it in the U.K., and no I'm not changing my lifestyle.

  4. UK

  5. Actually, in the first time since like the late 1800's, earlier this year Great Britain's standard of living surpassed the standard of living in the U.S.

    From an economical standpoint, the American dollar is going to continue to fall, while the Euro will continue to strengthen.

    Also, consider this: the OPEC countries have been considering switching from American dollars to Euros for a few years now. If that were to occur, the U.S. economy would collapse because the countries that import to the U.S. would no longer need that currency it was receiving to buy oil

    Already in some countries in South America, stores and businesses are putting up signs stating that they no longer accept U.S. currency. Japan traded in much of its U.S. currency reserves for euros.

    So from an economic point of view, the U.S. economy will continue to falter, while the euro and the economy of the EU is starting to gain speed.

    Thats just one thing to consider.

  6. ughh  it depends

  7. I say you go to the UK, sounds like you were thinking that yourself from all the negatives you were listing on the US, you can still come back and visit your family or the other way around.

  8. england can be a stunning place to live but we are one of if not the most taxed country in the world for no reason. old people now have to make a choice Heat or Eat. England has a lovely menu but once your inside the contents are rotten. I'm english and i hated saying that but we used to be a strong proud nation of privacy respect love and peace sorry not any more.    

  9. I think you should be discussing thisi with your hubby to be.

    Let's see. I'd say, stay there. If you two can find a job over there, earn and live comfortably, stay there. Fyi though, exchange rates can change in the future. It is a gamble.

    You said you've been living there for four months, how do you like it? Other people right now is out of the equation, how do you feel? Remember this is your life and your husband to be. You two need to talk about this real hard.

    Good luck to you and congratulations.

  10. Switzerland.

  11. The UK,I'm tired of all the illegal aliens in my country.

  12. Im from the UK and I tell you the US have a higher standard of living even in their economic slow down. Its way cheaper in the US than in the UK. The pound in the UK dont worth squat there, its better to use the pound in the US where you get more for your money. The US have better opportunities than here in the UK.

    If people here read and check the news the shoe as turn, the US dollar is now gaining against the pound and the Euro because of the grim economic news coming out of Europe.  Britain economy is headed for a recession for all the clueless people that is bashing America.

  13. It is a fact that the UK has a better economy than the US and a better gnp but the US isn't all bad so just ask yourself what will you rather leaving your family for a better country or staying with your family. But if you do go to the UK at least whe you visit your family you'll have lots of money to spend on the becoz the pound is worth double than the dollar.

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