
Which country do you think will earn the most metals in Beijing?

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Which country do you think will earn the most metals in Beijing?




  1. I don't recall the medals being made out of metal.


  3. USA or China.. they always seem 1 a part from each other

  4. US or Peoples Republic of China

  5. China or USA

  6. China fo sho

  7. Most medals: US of A

    More Golds: China.

  8. China.

  9. USA or PRC

    Remember people it's just the beginning. The USA and other countries dominate the sports to come.

  10. Uh, that would be China.

    1.3b People with intensive state support?


  11. Hopefully the USA!!! =)  But we have to watch out for China, theyre our main competition this year.

  12. my guess would be US

  13. i'd have to say probably....US? BUT...and thats a big but.... the number of gold medals will undoubtedly be higher for China.

  14. usa or china wooo go usa lol

  15. The most medals in total, maybe the USA. They will win a lot in athletics....But they won't reach China in golds.

  16. either china or u.s.

  17. U.S. Steel---- oh you meant medals - China, it appears they have bent a few rules

  18. The US of A! =D

  19. Can you spell?  It's MEDALS, not metals.   I'm hoping the US has the most.

  20. spain or ecaudor

  21. personally i think the usa... just b/c we have more competitors in a variety of events!!!!

  22. United States

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