
Which country does not have taxes for university education?

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As far as I know, education is free in Greece and Sweeden. Do you know other such countries in Europe?




  1. ireland

  2. Well, most universities in Europe are public so you end up paying very, very little. In comparison to the US or Canada it's basically nothing. I paid less than 200€ for my year's tuition fees (2007-2008) here in France and I'm not French, not even from one of the members of the EU.   I haven't had to buy books or anything like that, mostly they give us copies in class or ask us to buy some booklets at the Uni (which are extremely cheap, no more than 3€ so far).

    Living costs are also an advantage. If you live in a "dorm room" you pay only like 150€ a month (the city i live in) and usually as a student you can ask here is France for an "aide", so the gov. ends up giving you almost half. That was just an example.

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