
Which country has a higher standard of living between U.K and the US?

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Which country has a higher standard of living between U.K and the US?




  1. the problem at gauging 'satndard is that now many apply -the state of mentality to see the living standard properly.One can be very rich but with poor mentality while one can be very poor with a rich mentality.And mentality counts much at pricing standards of living.Agree?

  2. u.k.

  3. U.K

  4. The Us except for the bottom of the income distribution. For these people the  UK has higher incomes and more social services. Part of the reason for the high standard of living for the middle class in the US is the availability  of affordable services provided by low wage labor of those at the bottom.

  5. What do you mean :standard:??   Available products are more plentifull in the US.. money can buy just about any Standard of living    any where in the world    Very liberal lifestyle is only available in the US like nowhere else in the worlld    at least in the 28 countries that i have visited

  6. Wow..that's like choosing between a rock and a hard place.

    I'd say neither, seriously

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