
Which country has almost the same culture as the Philippines?

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I wanted to work abroad but then I am afraid of race discrimination.




  1. mexico

  2. Anywhere you go there will always be somebody who will discriminate against you.

    Even in our own country it happens. So you can never really escape from it.

    So it doesn't matter if you choose a country with the same culture as the Philippines or not. But to answer the question, there isn't really a single country with the same culture as the Philippines, for it is actually a combination of several cultures.

    If you wish you can try to find a country/place which is predominantly Catholic, if you are Catholic & where people look like Asians & speak English.

  3. n**i Germany.

  4. work as a domesticated helper,you don't have to worry about discrimination.

  5. antarctica.  lots of short, lumba lumba bipeds.

  6. racial descrimination is everywhere..just go wherever you feel like working. North America is the place you wanna go to for work. Miami, Florida for innstance. It's like Phils.But anywhere in North America .Filipinos are accepted here the same way as they accept other immigrants.

    just one piece of advice!!!!..don't come to quebec. you'll get frustrated if you cant get a good job here because they require french fluency. they hate english here!  ( ihate them(french) too man!)

  7. I am guessing spain, since it is where the culture has come from, and mexico, because they are somewhat alike

  8. Mexico

  9. I would probably say Latin countries... Countries like Spain, Mexico, Dominican Republic, etc...

    P.S. Don't be afraid of race discrimination... Just be yourself... And be comfortable with what you are doing...

  10. that would be Mexico or any Latin countries.

  11. i dont think its not about where there is the same culture with the philippines..whats important is there's no racial discrimination..there will always be some sort of racial dscrimaination..but whts important is prove yourself and be proud you're a out on your english too :) good luck!

  12. Mexico, Spain and Portugal because they have a large cultural contribution to the Philippines

  13. I think probably your best choice would be Australia.  Not because of the like culture but more because that country is in need of more workers.  USA has become very anti-immigrant lately partly because of the Mexicans.  They've made it nearly impossible to get a visa for a Filipino.  My wife is mistaken for a Mexican all the time because simpleton dolts can't tell the difference.  Even she has a college degree and very high IQ people here treat her like she's stupid.  My own people embarrass me every day. Maybe Barack Obama can fix this train wreck.  We'll see. I'm ranting, sorry.  Good luck in Australia.

  14. Mexico and practically every country in Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador)

    By the way, none of these countries have many jobs available for foreigners.

  15. Australia doesn't have the same culture as that of the Philippines but we do have some rather large enclaves of Filipino's living here.

    Australia, contrary to what some may say, is probably one of the most

    racially tolerant countries there is.

    Sure we do have some ratbags but the general populace is for the most part very tolerant.

    There are many laws enacted to protect against any form of discrimination be it racial, sexual, religious or colour. The penalties for such discrimination can be very severe.

    Australia is, ay present, looking for more workers in many specialised fields.

  16. I went to an Icelandic/Philippine party last year in Iceland. The Icelandic people seem to appreciate the Filipinos among them very much. Iceland treats their workers very well no matter the race.

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