
Which country has more murders per year USA or Brazil?

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I think Brazil wins in this section cause crime is outragous down there. We Americans have a civilzed nation with pretty low murder rates compared to Brazil. Rio de Janerio has more murders than the entire USA. I heard that Rio has more murders than whole of Iraq too. Brazil tourism is awful cause nobody wants to visit a country than be mugged than executed.




  1. Ok, I believe you have ansewered your own question. Here we have a elevated murder rate. Awful!

  2. Im with the other guy, Honduras is the country with the most murders....

  3. u answerd your own question but not all of it is correct

  4. The answer is Brazil. Brazil has 25 murders by 100.000 inhabitants by year, the United States has 5,9. United States is definitly not the most violent country in the world, but the murder rate of the US is very big for a first world country, all the countries that have higher murder rate than the US are third world countries. The US is the most violent first world country in the world. And Brazil is not also the most violent country in the world: South Africa, Colombia, Swaziland, Jamaica, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, all them are more violent then Brazil.

    Rio de Janeiro has not more murders than US or Iraq.

    Brazil tourism is not awful, it's not one of the best of the world because we are very far away from Europe and N. America. Even our South American neighbours are far away from us cause we're a huge country.

    PS: I think the data about Bolivia is wrong too. Actually Bolivia is a very safe country. I went to La Paz and felt very very safe. My data of Bolivia is 2.82 murders.

  5. it is because stupid people like you without no information and culture at all ,beautiful places like Brazil get a bad name,I am American too but I wouldn't say we have a civilized nation .do you think a civilized nation  kill each other because of their color or religion like happen here in USA????????????I think you should get more information before put a question with a answer in this site and most of all a stupid and untruthfully comment.

  6. Sorry , you have  have you facts wrong/

    Here's the list of murders ,per 100,000 of the population.

    Honduras 154.02

    South Africa 121.91

    Swaziland 93.32

    Colombia 69.98

    Lesotho 50.41

    Rwanda 45.08

    Jamaica 37.21

    El. Salvador 36.88

    Venezuela 33.20

    Bolivia 31.98

    Brazil is only 19 and USA 9

  7. sorry..  you're incorrect.   Rios and Sao Paulos crime is bad.. but you have to compair each country or city by its population as well.

    sao paulo is the 3rd most poplulated city in the world..  i think with 18 - 20 million.  

    New Orleans crime right now  is the highest in the Nation.. and there isn't even 1 million residents..    Now That is bad.

    ..  and yes.. both areas are BEAUTIFUL to visit.  and Brazil has very huge tourism..

    instead of guessing..  why do you read a little..  or travel

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