
Which country has the best food?

by Guest32489  |  earlier

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Which country has the best food?




  1. Most English-Speaking countries and Western Europe because you can get anything from anywhere.

  2. The good ol USA because it's a melting pot of all cultures and ethnic cuisines that merge here and you can't find anywhere else.  You can't beat those down home Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners dude!!

  3. Sicily

  4. A lot of people are raving about Thai food these days--some of them say it's almost as good as Mexican--real Mexican, that is!

  5. It is a matter of personal opinion.

  6. Korea.. Especially the kimchi... And kimbap (like sushi but it's Korean)..

  7. I lived in Spain, and really loved the Spanish food.  That Mediterranean food just can't be beat

  8. I'd have to say Italy! The spaghetti is amazing! Also they discovered pizza so what's better than that?

  9. Iran

  10. india n italy

  11. Asian, French West-Indian, African, Indian and last Italian.

  12. I will go with the UK.  It has a staggering array of ethnic foods, and you will find people with the passion and dedication to make them properly.  Look at Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver, and Ainsley Harriot:  three names in modern food and they are there because they are not self conscious about ethnis cusine.  In America, it is all too homgenous for me (bben there and tried a lot of things.  In Australia, where I live it is almost as good as London too!

  13. Try this site for veggie recipes and vegetables nutritions.

  14. United States!!!!! We have every ones food here. What ever you want you can find it here in the good Ole U.S.A.

  15. I'm american ok?

    may i be franck?????

    a lot of ppl in usa use italian or european food.....

    cause everybody knows that italy has the best food in the world.....

    look italin restaurant.....

    very expensive....

  16. ITALY. no doubt.

    and i'm 100% italian (:

  17. thats easy! THe USA! This is the only place we make other countries food... maybe with an American twist but we dooo....  other countries may attempt to make american cuisine but fail miserablely

  18. Vietnam

  19. Definitely malaysia...

  20. Italy, Canada, and Mexico. All very traditional and the food is very delicious in these areas.

  21. definately AMERICA!! we have everything. you can get a taste of every country in America. =D

  22. shimmy SO funny but I have to agree - but I think USA b/c of the diversity we have in this nation - where else can you sample foods from so many different nationalities? heck, if you live near Epcot in FL during food and wine festival time you can sample flavors from 15+ countries all in one day!

  23. I would have to say the United States.  We have so many people of different ethnic origins that we can get any type of food we desire.  Plus we have an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables to suit anyone's diet.

  24. America of course, that's why so many people are obese.

  25. Country containing the best food HAS to be Hong Kong - it is a concentration of the best of international cuisine. Traditional chinese food, hong kong dim sum, japanese sushi, upscale american burger restaurants and italian pizzarias, indian food, korean, german pubs... Only the best, most acceptable restaurants make it to Hong Kong. Unlike other countries like America, where there is so much land that even cheap crappy restaurants survive.

  26. hey Pinkie_s , guess what I have been to Italy, the best Italian food ( restaurants) are in Old Mexico, they create a combo of Northern Italian and Southern Italian food its fantastic, hope you get to try it someday

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