
Which country has the best system of government in the world?

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Which country has the best system of government in the world?




  1. It was UK until Blaie and his cronies started mesing about with it. it had many faults but at least it worked

  2. Any human being has their own goals and objectives. I would have to say none of them.

  3. Sure in the h**l isn't America.............."thank you very much George Bush"!

  4. nobody. the best would probably be a mix of capitalism, communisn and socialism. but thats not gonna happen.

  5. / The United States of America has the best system of government in the world.

  6. the usa when the population desides to take back control

  7. best how, just best?


  8. i think UAE and Malaysia

  9. The USA. How is this even a question?

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