
Which country has the best women? who are kind and know their places in life?

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1) American

2) China

3) Japan











when I say stay in place, one will likes to cook, clean, and watch any kids we may have, and stay in shape.

so which one?




  1. none of htese. peruvians are devoted to their children and a re hard working. they are in great shape,have european ancestors,love to cooka nd clean,have hige houses(the oens that work),a nd  ahev the ebst eye color(black) ever.

  2. This is a fair question, you all are taking this question way to far, don't think so much into it.

    Only in America can women act out of place, so this country is off the list. I would say Africa, no better place to have a nubian princess turn into a nubian queen.

  3. Well not the UK for certain. This is the 21st century women have minds of there own and are equals in a relationship. You will more likely then not have to pull your equal weight on domestic things in order to sustain a relationship, ie you will also have to cook, clean and watch the kids etc as well.

  4. Japan - They'll do anything......AAAAAAAANYTHING

  5. in most of those countries, save Japan Iraq & maybe China, you'd be considered a male chauvinist piglet.

    But you're just kidding right?  You really don't expect a woman to be subservient to you now do you?

  6. I think this question is meant to arouse disgust, or surely, you wouldn't dare post it!

    A woman's "place" is to live her own life, and do her life's work.  If that work is ministry, counseling, drafting, or care taking, that is what's hers.  Likewise, if her work is to be a stay at home parent, that is also hers.  It is not yours.

    You may have noticed my dear piglet, that it is the entire planet that is evolving, not just one country.  While some countries may evolve in a different order, and backlashes abound, these are not the 1600's ANYWHERE!  Kinda like we all wear clothes, and all live in little buildings called houses.  HOW-ZES.

    I'm sure you can follow, because you're smart, right?  RIGHT?

    But of course, you just tease us, because no one, anywhere, can be that stupid, stupid, STUPID!

    Can you?

    Thank you very much.


  7. None of the countries you mention.

  8. Good luck.  This isn't 1950.  Women have careers now.  Some may want to be housewives but not for a guy who thinks it's their place.

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