
Which country has the largest Army in the world?

by Guest58465  |  earlier

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Which country has the largest Army in the world?




  1. Standing Army is China, followed by North Korea. Good luck.  

  2. china only beacuse they have the largest poulation but america and britan are head to head at haveing the best armys beacuse they are 29 times more advance and chinas army also not very well resorced

  3. china, korea has the 1million man army

  4. like they said... CHINA

  5. China with over 1,600,000 army personnel

  6. China has over 200 million in there army

  7. China - mainly because they have the largest population in the world.


  8. china then like India they  used to pay them in rice but now with all the walmart money who knows the could be driving mercedes.

  9. By sheer man-power the largest army goes to China. However, by military spending it is the United States. The US spends 22% of its treasury on it military annually, while China only spends 16% of its. And by most advanced equipment is is the United States again.

  10. Who cares We got the best Air Force WhooAhh Thats trump card  

  11. China

  12. China since they have the worlds population there basically lol

  13. i dont know but i assume Russia or China, Russia is huge and china had 1hundred thousand security officers at the olympics. the us army is huge but not bigger then russias or chinas i think.

  14. China, with 1,600,000 troops.

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