
Which country has the most robust railway system?

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Like train, railway, subway etc.

I know Japan has a pretty big network, but is it the most robust?

Also, what station in Japan is the busiest with the most traffic?




  1. Indian Railway.It is robust enough to carry people not only inside the cabin but also on foot steps and roof.

  2. I have seen incredible rail systems in Germany and Austria, but I hear Japan has an amazing rail system.

    A co-worked lived in Germany for 15 years and swears it's the best in the world. It's always on time, never breaks down, and goes everywhere.

    From my perspective, the German rail system was amazing.

  3. Japan busiest commuter rail station is Shinjuku. 2nd Ikebukuro and third Shibuya

  4. Robust is a rather odd word to use in respect of a railway system. Using the word in its sense 'strong', you could be asking which system is best in dealing with collisions. I think you need to explain a little more clearly what you actually want to know.

  5. Define robust and in what sense. Passenger travel? Freight? On time performance? Maintenance? Each has good points and bad. It's how you interpret the facts.

  6. India has the most comprehensive rail system in the world.  I'm not sure if that's what you mean by robust.

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