
Which country in the world has the best Elite special forces unit?

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Which country in the world has the best Elite special forces unit?




  1. SAS or Isreali speacial forces

  2. It depends what country you are from. I'm American, and I say the United States. Brits will tell you that the SAS are the best, and the Tongans will boast about their guy.

    Really it comes down to the individual.  

  3. USA and Brittan.

    *USA-1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force)

    *Brittan-Special Air Service (SAS)

  4. It will depend on which side of the bullet you are on....

  5. well i personally think the british SAS and SBS are the best..... but i am british so im probly being biased... but i do also have some things that back me up... well its a fact that britain has a very highly trained military, the british infantry train for six months which is the longest infantry training in the world, the royal marines go through the longest training in the world (not including special forces) its 8 months long and to be an officer in the royal marines it 10 months

    the Gurkha's (who are part of the british army) train for a year but some of that is teaching them english etc

    the paras train for 7 months which i think is the longest parachute training in the world... but im not 100% sure

    so all the training the british military go through makes them very combat efficent, disiplined, proffesinal and overall amazing soldiers, because the british military has such long training i expect it would also carry on to the british SAS... and the selection process is horribly difficult, they have to run and march through mountinous terrein in wales and scotland with a 60 ib bags on their back... the selection last 12 months i think and if you make one mistake you go home, no second chances, the instructors also play with peoples minds... e.g if a team has just run miles with a 60 ib bag on their back the instructors will ask them if they want a drink and who ever says yes gets RTU'd (returned to unit) the training lasts 2 years i think and that also has the interorgation process which catches alot of people out, one guy was interogated for 20 hours during the interrogation they slagged his family friends and girlfriend off and constantly hit him with a cane. the SBS is considered the best out of the two because to get in the SBS you have to complete the SAS selection and then go on to SBS selection, i heard this story about the SBS it went like

    during the vietnam war the british goverment sent over the SAS and SBS (they told the press that they sent over special advisors) when they got there they was told that intel thought that lots of the enemy where coming from the islands off vietnam, so the SBS sent over 3 men in canoes or dingys, the only weopon they had with them was a knife and they went to 3 different points of the island and they would go to a village where they thought the enemy was recruiting and training and kill them all without being noticed... so i think the SBS and the SAS are the best in the world, but i spose its biased coz im british but its only my opinion, but at the end of the day ALL special forces are amazing and we will never no who the best really is

    heres a link that tells about the SAS working with delta and SEALs

    they consider them unproffesionel

  6. well the Americans asked for the Australian SAS for Afghanistan that says it all !!!!!!

  7. how can you judge that? If its high profile missions,then its Israel. If its the most high tech, then its USA. If its the most proffesional then its Great Britain.  

  8. What's the point of having the best Elite special forces unit in the world if you have a crumbling economy? (bank runs and bankruptcies, imploding house prices, foreclosures, record national debt)

    Oops.  Did I say that?

  9. russians..

    they have no "laws" on how to treat their guys in training.. they suffer broken bones etc during training.. it's much rougher than western training..

    more selective too..

    only the best killing machines make it thru

  10. 1.United States

    2. Israel

    3. Great Britain

  11. USA

  12. Australian Special Air Service Regiment,

    Clearing out a heavily fortified Air Base so the US can deploy troops,

    that's saying alot.

    and Australia has all variations of terrain and weather in one whole country so that's a big advantage (training and adaptability wise)

    but then again we will all never know.

    the countrys with the best trained are all one big Ally so who's gonna stop us ;)

    i suggest that all the countrys have a Special Forces war games, that will prove it then,

    i dnt understand that to be an officer in the Royal Marines is 10 months training and that makes em the best trained? where to be a officer in the Australian Defence Force REGARDLESS of Service you must do 18 months minimum training?? Training for the Army is bout 6 months also

  13. It really depends on how you qualify "the best."  America has Delta Force and Seal Team 6.  England has the SAS and SBS.  Israel has their special forces.

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