
Which country is best for bringing up children, getting a career, immigrating to--Canada, Sweden, .....??

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....Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Australia, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc??

Thanks in advance for helpful answers!




  1. I live in Canada and it's pretty good.  There is public health care but it's not perfect.  There are a lot of job opportunities if you live in the right place.  It's diverse without being racially charged and it's relatively easy to immigrate.  I have lived in Sweden for a short time as well and I had relatives who lived there for years.  What you have there is way higher taxes but a social system that really takes care of you.  If you are unemployed in Sweden, it's not so bad.  If you are unemployed in Canada, you are pretty poor.  Sweden has more problems with immigrants because they did not start out as an immigrant nation and got most of their immigrants later on which now tend to clash with the natives causing racial problems etc.  A lot of Europe has these problems.  I do not know how easy it is for a non-euro to immigrate to Sweden.  The other countries you mention I don't know of.

  2. America is about to vote into office the very worst president ever and the Saudis are undermining our economy with glee, so America is not a great place to be .

    Whatever you choose..such as swimming pool equipment or whatever, run quick checks on what sells the best on EBAY.  I believe they have a section on their website which explains which kinds of items sell the fastest.

  3. Australia is awesome - especially considering their minimum wage is about $14 an hour. They have great benefits and education system (quite tempted myself).

    Germany is great for anything medical (after all, it is where they have the Gusundheit Hospital founded by Patch Adams). Even better is that when it comes time to have children, not only does the mom get maternity leave but the dad does, too! And that is WITH pay for about a year. They DEFINITELY promote family togetherness there.

    I would NOT move to an Asian country. The price of living in places live Hong Kong is absolutely outrageous (about $80 USD for a steak... can you believe it?). I definitely wouldn't go Saudi... wanna' lose a hand for picking up a penny off the street that didn't belong to you? I had a teacher who told me the very thing happened to someone when she vacationed there some years back.

    Congo - no education. Israel... self-explanatory.

    Switzerland is pretty cool, but you'll be looking at horrible taxes.

    Canada doesn't have much of a work force unless you want to go into logging or living in the bush.

    United States was great but now is going the way of winter birds... south.

  4. If you are rich, any western country will do.  If you are middle-income, Swedan, Switzerland, or Norway will do but you pay higher income taxes than the United States.

  5. Try Detroit, Chicago, Bronx, Miami, Los Angeles...if they survive they will be ready to fight Republican wars.

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