
Which country is better Pakistan or India?

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answer on the bases of the following-

would you like to go there?


the people,the govt.and nature wise[respecting other countries]

only non Indians and Pakistanis answer!




  1. neither.. i would never dream of going to India or Pakistan. They just dont do it for me.  

  2. I believe Pakistan isn't as easy to travel around for a woman as India.

    I've been to India a few times (over a year in total) and just LOVE it.  It's very safe and easy for a woman to travel in and such a fascinating, incredible place.  

    I found the people incredibly friendly and helpful and interesting.  It makes me feel like I live in the rudest country on earth!  Of course, being Australian is a big help as the cricket topic gives you an instant bond with just about everyone.  

    I don't know much about the economy or government.  It's interesting to see the difference post-foreign investment.  It's sad to see Coke for sale when Thumbs Up is so delicious .... but I imagine all the foreign investment is pumping a new way of life into the middle and upper classes.  Is that a good or bad thing?  I don't really know.  I can't even begin to imagine how a government can effectively govern such an ecclectic country efficiently!  There seems to be some good programs focussing on some communities to improve the living standards on local levels.    

    I don't know so much about Pakistan, but if I won a holiday to there I probably wouldn't go.  I don't really know what I'd base that decision on though.  I just get the feeling India is a more open and tolerant country.

  3. Pakistan is a Islamic country, that'sis why you people feel it is difficult for women to travel, but this is not the case. Second, Pakistan's image is more discussed in international media. Third, all world feel Pakistan is a responsible country:

    - Responsible for 9/11;

    - Responsible for 7/7;

    - Responsible for North Korea Missile program;

    - Responsible for North Korea Atomic program;

    - Responsible for Afghan war;

    - Responsible for IraNuclearar program;

    - Responsible foLibya's's atomic program;

    - Responsible for feeding Iraq's bomb blasts.

    - And off coursese, for Kashmir dispute (which is core issue between Pakistan and India)

    People don't know Pakistan has been ranked # 1 in deploying its army for peace for united nations for many years. (

    Pakistan's missile program is far more effective than India. Its economy is moderate over its population. Most of the people here in Pakistan are of middle class. An independent source added, there were only 2,200,000 - 3,000,000 people in Pakistan which were "poor". 100,000,000 million people out of 160,000,000 million use mobile phones. PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) has introduced a revolutionary DSL broad band connection on every fixed telephone line where ever you are. There is a short fall of electricity in the country, but Government is committed to build 4 more atomic energy plants and 14 small scale dams and one large dam - Bhasha Dam (the biggest of the world).

    Saying India superpower in 20 years; than I assure you, Pakistan will be the next one to challenge India because both countries have their own rich history to challenge themselves, though it is in battle fields in white rocks of Galcier or in green ground of cricket!

  4. indian d'oh! pakistanis are friggin womanisers. they can't keep their c***s in their pants. India is expected to be a superpower in the next twenty years and it is democratic. India has got some beautiful places! Don't know nature wise about Pakistan. . .it's ok i guess but not as good as India.

  5. I've been to India but not Pakistan.

    It is true, India is more open and easier for women to travel.

    It's one the emerging markets so there's bound to be lots of exciting things happening.


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