
Which country is more likely a military threat to the US?

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China or Russia. which country has the most potential to challenge the US military?




  1. greenland... jk

    I would have to say China, or Iran... No doubt we would dominate them if we needed to but they have some strong militaries

  2. The one with the most potential to challenge the US military is Russia.

  3. russia. with china's ever expanding economy, it is thankful for all of the commerce the us does with it.

  4. No one can take the US.

  5. shows to go you how brainwashed the Lemmings can be....IRAN is no threat to US what so ever, they are just saber rattling towards Israel cuz of the Palestinian situation but hey have more sense than to initiate any war!!

       The only reason Saddam initiated the Invasion of Kuwait years ago was because we gave him the "go ahead" (you can look it up) he asked some US diplomat, I forget the ladies name, if we cared whether or not he invaded and she told him "no problem",...Whooopsy!!  

    ....RUSSIA has all the nukes and China though far behind in technology and equipment has the sheer manpower!!!

  6. First Iran has the biggest threat.

    Russia  has more bombs than China probably.

  7. Russia.  They have more nukes and don't have unbreakable economic ties to the US like China has.

  8. Well.......I'd say China......Russia is surronded from 2 flanks if they commit an act of agression aginst a US ally or the US. EU and NATO troops would advance from the east while US forces go throught the east coast they would be attack from to flanks and since their east coast is under populated the US force would msot likley advance unopposed all the way to the oil feilds and than begin a blitz to Moscow and meet up with EU and NATO troops so Russia is so threat neither is China really but both tought they would gbe gard to beat......however again a US victory India would attack China from  the south US force throught the north and throguht the east via Korea and Japan and than the EU and NATO force backed by US forces from the East would advance and link up and force the surrender of the Russian with in weeks....than the US,NATO,EU force would link up and begin a march to beijing witch on the arrival of that force the Chinese fate would be sealed.......

    Now they look at Iraq and Afganistan and say we can't win a war well.....were losing because of the occupation and we would not occupie them longer than 4-6 mionths after the war so there wouldn't be such and insergancy.....

  9. China may be the bigger military threat just by shear numbers.  China needs us to keep buying their c**p, though.  Russia is the schemer, and probably requires a closer eye.

  10. China, by far. Russia has the technology, but its military is in complete disarray. China has the vast numbers, and there tech is not bad. As a soldier in the us army, i know for a fact that we have the best army in the world, and i would put us up against anyone and im confedent in a victory. But china's military outnumbers us at least 3 to 1.

  11. Russia, however China presents the greater challenge going forward.  

  12. both if they joined forces china has the man power  

  13. When it comes to military issues, China.  Their army is enormous compared to ours.

  14. New Zealand has a secret agenda of world domination, and a secret weapon which will make the nuclear bomb look like  a hiccup. I would tell you what it is , but it's a secret.

  15. probably china is what the us military is worried about in the future

  16. CHINA, IRAN, Russia

  17. IRAN and North Korea - I doubt China will try to ruin their business relations with the United States - they provide 80% exported goods for the U.S.  Russia is no treat, why do you think the have closed down many army bases in europe, because the threat is shifted elsewhere.

  18. Probably China, all they have to do is cut trade from us, and watch as our economy suffers, cuz like everything is made in China in the U.S., after we go through a depression they'll attack

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