
Which country is next superpower INDIA or CHINA?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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Which country is next superpower INDIA or CHINA?




  1. Obviously the answer would be China considering the kind of growth they are witnessing.

  2. it will be china . but i want it to be INDIA . since i m an INDIAN.  



  5. China is already one. India will be the next but then no cuz they depend on the american companies

  6. I'm feeling shame to tell that it is China who is going to be a Super Power...

    I can't just like that lie by telling India ,even after viewing Chinese Dalian Naval Base in Google Maps.(Type Dalian - go SW in 7'0' clock position)

    This is only one base of several other bases where at one place I saw more than 10 submarines, large fleet of frigates, destroyers, Battleships...Don't know what they are upto...

  7. China is already a superpower and so is India though on a slightly lower level.

  8. How does it matter?

    What are you going to do with this answer?

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  9. If we try to be the best ,we will be super power.

    If we not do antthing like present ,CHINA will super power.

  10. india is unlikly any time soon, but china is highly possible.

  11. For Chinese it will be China, and for Indians it will be India!

  12. china

    then india

  13. India is a superpower, though it is not declaring so.

  14. in 50 years china is the next superpower!!

  15. India.

  16. If there is no terrorism and people who supports terrorist India has good chance of becoming superpower, But ithis field China has strong meusurs so it will become superpower. Pakistan  and people who supports pak within India (certain comunity)will be great hurdle to India to become Super Power......believe it or not.

  17. Both are overpopulated and will remain that way.  This means as their populations age and swell just providing food and basic services will be next to impossible.  That is without even discussing the political and ethnic problems.  The one child policy has failed in China.

    The most powerful country in 50 years will be Japan or most likely the United States of America.

    With only the two choices presented by you, China because of internal ethnic and religious hatred inside India.

  18. Definitely  china  

  19. It will be China. See the Polympics, it has pushed US to No. 2.

  20. people don't understand! china have a one child policy and sadly many people lost alot of their only children but thats not my main point. in say 25 years most of china population will be old and there will be less young people than india who will be building new tech. See sterotypically Indian want their children to be something thats help more in the world like technician, lawyer ect. and dont really do that well in sports as they dont focus that much on it unlike china  (as seen in Olympics) but this gives India a HUGE advantage. people dont seem to see that both of them are controlling alot of things. they know that they can get much more pay and better deals for the things they do but are too scared to stand up and make a diffrernce for their country. Everyone say the USA make all the cloths and tech. but these two countrys are the ones in the sweat shops making them and the USA are the ones taking the profits. everyones has seen waht a woderful place china can be but no one shows the stunnuing places in India they have some very high tech citys but everyones sees the small  poor villages  not the thousands (millions) of others living like anyones elese from a 1st world country and alot in luxury.

    So overall I think india will be the next superpower and China will be their grand alliance like the Uk is to the Us

  21. It's actually in the next ten years.

    Even China has passed U'S in number of people who own a computer.

    Have you looked at downtown Beijing.

    The place looks better than most downtown's in the U.S

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