
Which country is the most generous with other nations have a disaster?

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Extra credit: Which organizations give the most? Are they private or UN based or .... ?




  1. It'll be interesting to see what the world, and indeed the US offers Burma for the disaster there these past few days.

    In response to your question, at a guess, I would expect the UN would lead in terms of facilitating aid. I do agree though with Holiday. Many countries pledge money that they don't fulfil. One example would be the Millennium Development Goals. I'm embarrassed to admit that I live in a developed nation (Australia) that is contributing far less than other countries less fortunate, with a budget that is several times larger. At the very least, we shouldn't have signed the agreement, if it wasn't going to be fulfilled.

  2. India. It also donated to U.S. During Hurricane Katrina through Red Cross and now is donating to Myanmar Badly Hit By Cyclone.

  3. I'd have to go w/ the USA

  4. The U.S says "OH OH OH I WANNA HELP"

    But we never do.

    China does, they are the source of all goods sent there, if you trace it back

  5. The US, but not just the government. Indeed, individuals and NGOs give the most. It isn't just because we are a superpower, if you look at giving as a percentage of GDG or per capita, you will still see that we outgive the other nations of the world. I think it has a lot to do with our melting pot culture and our largely Judeau-Christian worldview.

    Charity is supposed to be a pillar of Islam, yet these nations only give token amounts of charity. If you're rich and give a copper to a beggar, you can check off the box for giving, but did you _really_ give? No.

    Helpful links:

  6. In the case of natural disasters usually the USA, Israel and Australia offer the most help per capita. The filthy rich oil sheiks would not give a cent. They rather spend it on luxuries for them selves. Ironically the Muslims rather hate the helping hands than the indifferent oil sheiks.

  7. The United States !!!!!!!!!!!!!! how about WHO helps us?

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