
Which country is the richest & rules the world?

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I think i know thee answer =)




  1. No one country rules the world. Some countries are currently riding high, that's all.

    Hmm...the USA is independent of all other nations, is it?

    Then why is it so desperate? It needs the Chinese to buy its T-bills. It is not to be trusted around other people's oil. The smell of oil brings the Americans around. Campers---be careful!

    NOTE to those who haven't heard:US oil dependence on imported oil for its daily consumption is about 65%. It is the world's largest oil importer. It has about 3% of proven oil reserves in the world. Source:Wikipedia (Look under "US oil dependence")

    There is no country that doesn't need help from other countries. North Korea adopted self-reliance as a national ideology, and it became incredibly poor and saw millions of its people starve in the 1990s.

    Under Bush, the USA lost a lot of its influence in the world because of its arrogance. It became harder to deal with the Americans. The USA became more of a lone wolf nation.Yes,with teeth, but a bit wild-eyed and desperate.

  2. england

    but im not sure.

    but twe dont rule the world,

  3. AMERICA of course

  4. USA

  5. Go on, surprise us all!

  6. England

    America and a norther country!

  7. There are different kinds of richne$$ and richness & rules the world could give you whole 2 different answers also subject for debate.

    According to , world's richest country is Luxembourg based in gdp. rules the world? i have a hard time answering this one cause no country does. it would be a global issue if one rules one country what else 195 ( i may be wrong w/ this one).

    So none.  

  8. It is going to be China.  

  9. Is it Zimbabwe.?

  10. Vatican City & the Holy See

  11. well usa THINK they do but it is actually Korea as they hold all the worlds nuclear weapons

  12. Iraq

  13. Your question has no answer.

    'richest' is a qualitative word

    'rules the world' is a qualitative phrase.

  14. NIgeria

  15. ENGLAND.

  16. It must b Saudi Arabia.Land of liquid Gold(petroleum). It decides the other countries fate.

    America is not rich.Just a powerful country with strong civilian share holders who boomed its market and big working force.

    England was made rich from the treasures of other countries but it is no more powerful, just a puppet to USA.

    Russia is out of race ver long time before,but it has huge oil resources next to middle east.

  17. No country rules the world or will ever do so.  Even Ghengis Khan failed to achieve global empire.  US has largest GDP total, however Luxemborg has highest average GDP and nobody burns their flag.

    Luxemborg gets the crown, albeit a small crown.

  18. is that a question? look at USA they are taking over the world,,they think they are soo strong they start attacking Iraq and killing all those poor iraqi people they dont even have feelings,,they are stupid and selfish and they cant even realize that the goverment dont want americans to be against them so they give all the news on TV and americans are just pathetically stupid that they believe anything on TV, and i am soo proud that i am britsih  

  19. The European Union has the highest Gross Domestic Product.  But that's a union of many nations.  The nation with the highest GDP is the United States.  Because of this, the US also has more influence than any other country in the world.  I don't think any country rules the world.  But the United States comes pretty close to it.

  20. The USA Without question.It can support itself completely without any help from outside

  21. America is the richest country in the world. No one country is in charge of the world, but countries like England, America and Saudi Arabia can have big influences.

  22. Saudi Arabia - it is full of self made Princes and Kings, and equivalent but less-dominant females and harems they do not talk about.

    They rule the world indirectly, because the superpowers must eat out of their hands.

    Then.....  Africa doesn't eat at all?

  23. i would like to say england or usa, but i think we need to keep an eye on the russians, there seems to be a few billioniers climbing out of the big red square in moscow and they seem to be showing a bit of there old power latley!!

  24. england

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