
Which country is winning overall in the Olympics?

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Which country is winning overall in the Olympics?




  1. Winning?  This depends entirely on your measure.  If your measure is gold medals - China.  If your measure is Gold AND Silver - China.  If your measure is all medals - U.S.

    If your measure is most number of world records broken - then who knows?

    If your measure is winning athletes as a percentage of the home countries population then perhaps Jamaica?

    The point is that there has to be an agreed upon measure before you can even think about answering this question.  Me?  I just enjoy watching excellence - no matter what country it comes from.

  2. china

    What if a county had won one gold 50 silver and 50 bronze would they be in front of a country that has won 100 gold(for argument's sake) that would not make sense

    it has to be mesured by gold medals and not total

  3. Based on US media, US is #1 with total medal count.

    In other countries and organization including IOC, China is winning with most Gold medals.

  4. CHINA is way ahead of everyone else  

  5. USA dominates the Bronze Medal Table

  6. Depends on how you look at it.

    If you're meaning overall medals, then it's the USA.  They have 95.

    If you're meaning overall gold, then it's China; they have 46 golds.

    Technically, a medal tally means total medals, so the USA is leading overall.

  7. Some of the smaller countries who actually medal I think are the biggest winners.

    To determine an overall “Winner” there would need to be a scoring mechanism in place similar to team competition at track meets.  The top individual placement would have a weighted point associated with it to fairly gauge the strength of the team.  A “team” that gets 2nd & 3rd shows more depth than a team that only has one great athlete.

    1st Gold Medal: 10 points

    2nd Silver Medal: 7 points

    3rd Bronze Medal: 5 points

    4th No Medal:   3 points

    5th No Medal:   2 points

    Finalist finisher 1 point

    Playing with the numbers this would make the “Overall “ competition much closer than just looking at the Gold or Total medal counts.  Keep in mind that the 1-point for finishing is important for the spirit of the games.  It is a small reward for those who compete with no hope of winning. Long after the medalist have finished in some of the running and walking races there are people out there that do not quit.

    Of course to be fair, some sort of weighting for the size of the country would need to come into play.  China would definitely be in the large school division, as would the USA.

    For it's size Jamaica would be in the small school division and I would have to say it would be considered dominant.

  8. America. China has the most gold medals, but America is winning overall.,2933,4078...

    in the box at the right hand of the page. (:

  9. USA with 93 i think.china r 2nd n GB r 3rd  

  10. Christopher Scott Emmett, 36, was pronounced dead at 9:07 p.m. Thursday. Gov. Tim Kaine declined to intervene in the execution.

    Emmett's final words were, "Tell my family and friends I love them, tell the governor he just lost my vote. Y'all hurry this along, I'm dying to get out of here."

  11. China, they are getting the revenue and still oppressing their people

    while the rest of the civilized world turns its head.  

  12. usa

  13. Overall for the most medals it's the USA! We have 93 medals and China has 83 medals and Russia has 51 medals.  

  14. usa, but china is dominating the gold medal category

  15. I think Panama

    They won there first gold medal every

    They only have one medal

  16. USA, but China will win.

    And no, I'm not from China, I'm from GB.

  17. china

  18. chickita chinese, the chinese chicken. they're winning.

  19. Counting and averaging all-time medals, the Soviet Union by far. They had far less participations than the U.S.

    Simply counting all-time medals, the United States.

    This 2008 Olympics, China. And I don't think the U.S. can pass China anymore.

    Please don't come with the total medal count, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Virtually all countries in the world (except the U.S.) and the International Olympic Comittee (IOC) uses gold medal count.

  20. Currently China is the winner.

    Only Gold medallists are winners, silver/bronze medallists can never be winners.

    The official IOC method is to count the gold medals first and if there is a tie then the silver medals are counted.

    Can a swimmer who wins 9 bronze medals be considered better than Phelps ?

  21. Overall according to the medal tally,


    As far as gold medals are concerned- - ->China

  22.           Gold Silver Bronze Total

    USA 28 34 31 93

    CHN 46 15 22 83

    RUS 16 16 19 51

    GBR 17 12 11 40

    AUS 11 13 14 38

    overall USA

  23. CHINA PR.

  24. USA in overall medal counts



    China is killing the competition

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