
Which country is your favourite, (our of all those you have been to)?

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Australia all the way for me! :) (I'm english)

Where would be your ideal holiday?




  1. i love canada the people are so nice there and i just love the atomosphere

    although i would love to visit england or france or switzerland

  2. My absolute favorite countries thus far include England, France, and Italy. These countries are just very polished in terms of possessing style and class. The French and Italians are just very polished in terms of possessing style and class. The British are intelligent, cultured, and extremely polite. I LOVE accents in general so it's only but natural for me to adore the British, French, and Italian accents.  When the French and Italian languagues are spoken it just seems to roll off from the tongue so effortlessly, softly, and smoothly as if it's a sound of purring. The Italian language kind of reminds me of Spanish, but much more elegant. Seriously, just speak to me in these languages or have an accent and it's over; you got me! I'll be in so much awe of you *smiles*

    My heritage includes French from my dads side so just being on French soil was a dream to me. My last name is Burdette; know of any Burdette's in France? That would be so neat to get in touch with my French roots. I don't know where my French family is located, but while walking the streets of Paris and on the subways I couldn't help but to notice the resemblence from the French locals to my dad's side of the family. It was so uncanny. Also in France, it appears to me that race there doesn't mean anything as I noticed lots of inter-racial relationships *smiles* So that was nice to witness.

    In Europe (in general) everyone dresses with a sense of sophistication being either male or female. It's a very nice look unlike Americans who's style consist of jeans, baseball caps, flip flops, and track suits. In Europe for women the handbag and shoes are the most important aspects of her outfit. I also like how all around Europe people walk, take public transportation (buses, metros, trains, subways, taxis), and mopeds to reach their destinations regardless of what they're wearing.

    In Italy I absolutely love how the sunset is at 10pm and how the locals are friendly, flirty, and in a cheery mood. Not to mention the men are beautiful and the women are gorgeous.

    I think Americans could learn so much from Europeans in terms of how they live. Because here in the States we're so consumed with materialistic things (the newer, bigger, and more expensive things), work-a-holics, greedy, and selfish. But in Europe it's the complete opposite; Europeans know what truly matters most; they seem to have their priorities in order. Their happiness drives from within as they lead simple lives and remember the importance of family, religion, history, and culture.

    Least: Germany...ONLY because I didn't give it much of a chance and it rained much of my stay, but I'd like to return to change my feelings on the country.

  3. Ive been to 1 country. I liked the US best. (I live in the US)

  4. my beloved Macedonia!!!

    Ideal holiday eretz Israel !!!

  5. Canada or New Zealand, both were wonderful, just basing it on the people alone.

    Everything else was a bonus.

    Least liked: Jamaica

  6. ethiopia is the best plase to see

  7. Italy is my favorite.  I have been twice.  There is something for everyone- whether you like food and wine, shopping and fashion, history and architecture, art and opera, etc, etc.  

    The lifestyle is much more relaxed than we have here in the northeast US and there are so many wonderful places in the country to visit- cities, small villages, islands, beaches, vineyards, skiing, etc.

  8. Korea, Japan, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Greece, etc.

    India, Morocco, Thailand, Brazil, Bahamas, Philippines (but avoid going to the southern part of Philippines which is called Mindanao)

    Iraq - if you want thrill, hehe, joking

  9. It's got to be a tie between Germany and France!

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