
Which country or government in the world is the most democratic.

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  1. The Greatest Country in the World, the USA  

  2. None!  Demorcacy is a theory to fool the public into thinking they have a voice.  Power corrupts, its abuse of power.  Take the UK for excample - there is a very very Priviledged Royal family who affect policy and were not chosen or voted by the public, yet the people are called their subjects!    They and their vulgar rich society friends and hangers on are in contrast to the thousands who die in poverty in theis country alone.  How can that be a democracy?

    In a democracy your vote is supposed to count, do you think it does, think again.

    It's a fix computerised or not. So called different politicians are different horses from the same stable! They play out a theatrical game in front of the public to hoodwink us into believing that we have a choice and that our vote actually counts! This is brainwashing! Lets wake up!!! Don't listen to what the mainstream media tell you, because its all lies! Don't believe me? do your own research and go to you tube and type in CLINTON CURTIS computer voting machine and you will see the inventor of the voting machines under oath swearing in court that the machines have been programmed to fix the voting.

  3. Ancient Athens, and none since!

  4. The smallest country.   .   US is not a Democracy, but a Republic.   Our voice is heard through representative of a region.   Large nations can not be run by  a true democracy.   when a nation gets too large , our voice gets lost and it's hard tocoordinate so many peoples opinion.   That is why our nation is run by regions.  Notice that people from small states has a bigger say on our government per person than large states.   No matter how big a state is, they all get two Senators!!!!   In a small country, the leaders are more in touch with the people.  

  5. To my mind Switzerland is the most sensible and democratic, they give their people freedom to use common sense for the common good,

    they conscript their youth and teach them to respect each other,

    On release from the armed service they get to take the rifle home with them to keep, when was the last time you heard of knifings and shootings in Switzerland?

    By contrast the UK allows every type of criminal to reside here and then comes the heavy hand on innocent people to keep the figures straight, our 'government' is undemocratic and it's actions are illegal,for this reason it is no wonder we have civil disobedience on an increasing scale. BNP for me!

  6. Zimbabwe. Because i say so !! lol.

  7. Sweeden

    It has the highest "democracy index" in the world. This has been determined by a number of factors. 1.Whether national elections are free and fair 2.The security of voters 3.The influence of foreign powers on government, and 4.The capability of the civil servants to implement policies.

  8. The Nordic countries, for transparency of government & proportional representation & a very low rate of corruption..

    But alas going down hill at the moment.

  9. That largely depends on your definition.

    The Scandinavian countries and New Zealand must come near the top.

  10. Switzerland. They are the only country in the world with real democracy. Anyone may start a referendum on any topic as long as they get 50 thousand "signatures" in 100 days. This will then be voted upon. All laws are voted upon by the whole population (above voting age), even the constitution - that needs 100 thousand signatures in 18 months.

    No other country comes close to such a belief in democracy. Representative democracy (like the UK and US has) is a sham.

  11. Based on quality of life and relaxed drug laws, I would have to name 3 countries: The Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark......

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