
Which country should I do as a presentation?

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I am doing a presentation for my Spanish class but, I couldn't decide which country I should do it on. My choices are Belize, Panama, Guatemala, Hondurus, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Which one should I do it on and why? I would really appreciate it.




  1. i would say el salvador.

  2. Last year I did a presentation about Panamá in my geography class, there is a lot of information about it... Choose it and you'll see it's a fascinating country and it's very interesting to learn about it.

    Good luck!

  3. I would agree with Panama.  Specially now that the Panama Canal is being expanded and they a re building a third set of locks...besides, at the you can find great photos and videos of both, the country and the Panama Canal.

  4. I would choose the country that I could get the most information about, information that I think my listeners would be interested to hear and have things or pictures to show so your presentation would be enhanced.

  5. I was going to say Colombia but you dont have it in your choices. Well, do panama. i think that will be the easier to do and you might get mroe info about Panama. One more thing. Belize is not a spanish country. Good luck with your presentation

  6. Panama:

    and you can ddo this...Divide your presentation on the following Points:

    Historical:  The Panama Canal, The Story of Old Panama (pirates and Gold stories)

    Geography:  The Oceans, Jungle and Mountains

    Economy:  Panama and the Import and Exports (Panama is a clue site for Import and Export from all parts in the world)

    Science:  Fossils, excavations, etc...

    Entertaiment:  Tourism. eco tourism, Survivor...

    Culture:  The music, the foods and the people

    You might want to end your presentation with a short legend  (La tulivieja or Tepesa) (read it and you will have everyone paying a lot of attention)

    Also power point with wonderful pictures a a video of a national dance (El punto, you can find the video on you tube)

    Go to  you will find a lot of info there

    Good Luck

  7. I would choose Costa Rica because it is a country that has avoided the problems of most other nations in Central America in terms of maintaining a functioning democracy.

  8. My parents owned a lumber company in Honduras in the 70s and that's where I grew up so that's going to be my first answer. Like Cosa Rica, it has had done of the more stable governments in the area. But you get this added bonus: you may be the only one who picks it.

  9. I would choose Peru, Ecuador or Brazil.

  10. I would choose Honduras as well. I am married to a Honduran and we lived there for several years before relocating to the US, so I'm a little biased toward Honduras.

    I was also thinking that not many others would choose Honduras so it might be a little more fun to do something that everyone else isn't doing.

    Honduras has a great history but very different from it's neighboring countries. No violence or gorrilla activity. It's a very peaceful country. Because of this the US put a military base in Honduras to keep an eye on Nicaragua. This base is still up and running. I've been on it several times because my husband worked there.

    Each one of the countries you have to choose from are amazing and wonderful in their own way. There is no bad choice amongst these countries. Good luck on your project!

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