
Which country should I move to?

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I'm having a hard time picking a country to move to. I'll be teaching English and I recently returned from working in Russia. I'm a single, white female, age 22. I do not like hot weather, i enjoy the outdoors, and I'd like to go somewhere by water or in the mountains. Any ideas? I'm going crazy trying to choose my next destination!





  1. hmm...what is it you do? are you an american?  are you looking to teach in a poor country or something a little nicer?  I have always wanted to go to Holland.  It is warm now, but will get cold in October.  You did not say for how long you were planning to teach for.

  2. Well there are alot more things to consider there are alot of english teachers in the world so you may want to check on job availibility before moving. Also most countries have new visa and work permit laws after 09/11  and it may be harder to move there. Also you need to look at the economy I dont know where your from but if it is the US the dollar is weak now so it may be more expensive to move to a european country if thats where you were looking.  Now taking those things into consideration most european countries fit what your looking for, Bulagria and Romania and even Hungry have booming ecomonies now and the cost of living is a little cheaper than living in say like france or germany or even england.  Even poland is a thought there economy is doing ok also.  Hope this helps.

  3. Chica, you should go to Spain or any latin country... its beautiful!

  4. tokyo

  5. Andorra.

    Officially the Principality of Andorra, is a small landlocked country in western Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. Once isolated, it is currently a prosperous country mainly because of tourism and its status as a tax haven. The people of Andorra are currently listed as having the highest human life expectancies on Earth, at an average of 83.5 years at birth (2007 est).

  6. sweden

  7. I think Peru would be a great place for you! In Cusco there are a lot of positions open for English teachers. Not only is it in the 70s year round and in the mountains, but it's also home to the Incan ruins! You can't beat that archaelogical wonder!

  8. Japan.  There is a high demand for english teachers in Japan.  It doesn't get too hot, it is near the ocean (nearly everywhere is close to the ocean) and the mountains are only a train ride away.

  9. Norway mountains cold to warm and theres water all around it! Sweden and scotland too would work.

  10. venezula

    i heard its beautiful from many ppl

    and the name is beautiful its sel

  11. welcome to asia...

  12. Nova Scotia, Canada.  It's AMAZING up there.  I live in Vermont though and it seems like you'd like it here, there's mountains for skiing/hiking/hang gliding.  It's also really nice up around Lake Champlain in the Burlington area, Mallet's Bay is great for sailing.  Good Luck.

  13. New Zealand has both the ocean and mountains and I believe a fairly mild climate.

    Of coarse you could stay in the U.S. and get all the above plus one prettiest cities in th country, Santa Barbara, California

  14. go to mexico

    they all need to learn english haha

  15. America,South central LA

  16. New Zealand! Mountains, snow , cold weather and you can live by the sea!

  17. you could try Canada? xD

    it's cold, and only hot when it's supposed to be. (:

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