
Which country to go on an exchange??

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Which country/city would be better to go on a university exchange and why? I only speak english but all have courses in english








  1. In all these countries you can get by with just English.

    I have been in all mentioned towns but Aarhus, but I know it by reputation from friends who have been there.

    In Lille the command of English is likely least, but still more than enough to get by.

    The French do appreciate it when you learn a few words of their language, all Europeans do, but the French a little more than others.

    So the actual choice is back to what the exchange courses offer, what you like and which is money wise the best option.

    Oslo in winter will have very short days, and snow is rather likely, in Aarhus the days will be a little longer, in Tilburg nearly as long as office hours and in Lille you might even see the sun on a day in school, as it will not be down till about 5 PM in the middle of the winter.

    But if you are a lover of winter sports, Oslo is nearest the ski resorts, the others are quite far from any.

    I would say, with this info, check the offered courses again, and take that you think fits best with what you are learning and want to do in the future.

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