
Which country u like to travell and why ? what is ur choice ?

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  1. i would really like to go to Hong Kong

    i would actually like to go any where really cause ive never been out of australia

  2. I'd love to go to Greece, The beauty, the history, the culture! Whats better then that?

  3. España, claro que sí! I love the archetecture, music, and dancing.

  4. Somewhere in Australia, I'd like to adventure the outback.

  5. india.that country facinates me.

  6. Australia, to see all the different kinds of reptiles and animals, hopeful get to study some endangered or dangerous types

    New Zealand, to try out all the fun things they have to do there and see all the natural beauty of it

  7. China , like the people and the country

  8. greece because it is so beautiful and fascinating

    africa because i would luv to see the animals and iv always wanted to go on a safari

  9. in europe it has to be Greece - every island opens different types of delights - fab food, beaches, people

    In australia - Cairns - amazing beaches , tropical, lots to do and see

    In Far East - I love Hong kong + singapore - cant decide which one is best!!!

  10. Egypt. Fascinating.

  11. india.that country facinates me.

    amazing country everything just like a dream.

  12. I would love to travel to Spain beacuse I love the food and the Spanish culture.

  13. Japan, because it's awesome and everything over there is so cute.

  14. Japan because i like the culture not because the 1st person said it, I have always wanted to.

  15. iraq so i can shoot up people

  16. Ireland. I really want to go here because 1 I love U2, and obviously they are from Ireland. 2 It is freaking gorgeous 3 I love to golf and there are some pretty nice courses there ;)

    If not Ireland, Africa. I would love to go on a trip to distribute supplies and experience the culture.

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