
Which country u think will drown by 2018 , if global warming is happening?

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Which country u think will drown by 2018 , if global warming is happening?




  1. Tuvalu in the South Pacific is already in serious trouble (link Below).  The people that are posting comments that a couple of inches don't make any difference have no idea what they are talking about. Fresh water floats on salt water and many Atol's have an inner reservoir of fresh water that is 'trapped' inside, so when the tide rises the fresh water also gets pushed up and since it is already at a high level it 'drowns the island.

       Also as you know, some places have tidal ranges of over 40 feet (bay of Fundy for example) and some places the tidal range is 20 feet or 2 feet. Though the actual change in the open sea level is only around 6 inches. The tidal range difference is caused by the shape of coastlines, sea bed, currents and momentum of large bodies of water moving. (the Gravitational pull of the moon is almost nothing) If the sea level rose another 6 inches this would of course, have a huge effect on tidal ranges and could easily turn a 40 foot tide to a 60 foot tide etc.

      So, Tuvalu is already having serious trouble as well as Bangladesh and even the UK is suffering with serious erosion problems. Farms that have stood for 300 years are falling into the sea. Holland has already built floating villages and are considering the construction of a 'super dam' to keep the water out.

  2. Tibet.  Because the way the GW and AGW crowd is explaining it.  It's the end of the world!!!   (even though we've been coming out of the ice age for 10,000 years...   even though the sun is just coming out of a hot phase....)

    Either way, the flooding of the earth will be Bush's fault.

  3. howaweee

  4. Bangladesh getting smaller a bad thing? lol

    Yeah yeah thumbs down for a joke by the people who have never been anywhere or seen anything lol

  5. Bangladesh is already being affected and will continue to be.  Venice is also already in trouble and will continue to have more.  ALL countries will be affected.  Most of the big cities in the world are right beside the ocean.

  6. So the official date is 2018 then? Ok I will bite and so no countries will be covered by the oceans or seas.  Now when 2018 comes and goes and no one even says the words global warming will you remember asking this question? Probably not.

  7. Well, in Italy they say Venice will drown, so if I were in you I would go there before it's too late (I'm not joking, it's really a beautiful city)...

  8. Lets see,at the current rate of sea level rise we would probably get less than a half inch or worst case scenario would be 3 inches tops by 2018 so even the lowest islands should be OK.

  9. bangladesh

  10. There is an island state in the Pacific which had a national plan to evacuate, they now want developed countries to pay for their territory to be protected from the rising waters.

    Thier entire land mass is becoming salinated and infertile, while at high tide sea water sputs up in the middle of the Island.

    And then there's Bangladesh. I doubt there are many sceptics in either country.

  11. Tuvalu. Some of the smaller islands have already been rendered uninhabitable by sea level rise, and it's getting worse all the time:

  12. One thing  about global warming um I live in Canada and this has been the coldest winter in 15 years.  As for a country drowning or flooded over well time will tell.  do you think the lower lying land will be covered with water  quicker?  Maybe like florida?

  13. Countries can't drown, but Bangladesh will probably be a bit smaller.

  14. I think if global warming is happening no countries will drown as evaporation will compensate for much of the increase in water in the oceans.

  15. I don't think that global warming is really an issue. What my theory is, is that earth has a cycle. I think that we could me headed for another ice age. The earth is running through the process of melting, then another ice age will occur.

  16. Venice was put on a subsiding delta or marsh.  It is not flooded due to global warming.  Bangladesh is going to have to find a way to cope with naturally rising sea levels as will the Tavalu.  Foolish building practices should have some consequences.  Why are there always guilt ridden people ready and willing to enable the foolish builders.

  17. Drown?God said he would never flood the earth again after the noah ark incident so its supposed to be a fire or meorde!!!!

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