
Which country won the Olympics?

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I thought it was the USA because we have more medals, but China is celebrating their victory saying they won because they had more gold medals..So who won?




  1. I don't know if that really matters now, I'm very proud of how the US athletes performed.. The last time I enjoyed the Olympics this much was when they were in Atlanta GA.

  2. U.S.A. 110 medals

    and because China cheated , it doesn't count...

  3. alot of people from different countries won. The USA and China weren't the only two countries represented in the Olympics. Everybody who won any kind of medal is celebrating. you go to the olympics to try get gold, you didn't hear anybody saying before the olympics oh i'm going to beijing to get a bronze or silver medal. on one hand as China got most golds they did better off. but as any medal is great to get the USA won in that right.

    But that's stupid NO ONE COUNTRY WON THE OLYMPICS.

  4. I am Brazilian and every place of the world it is said that China won, only in USA it is saying that who won was the USA.  


    Brazil was classified in 23rd place if it went for medals number would have been in 16th, but that classification is not accepted by the International Committee of Athletics.

  5. A country doesn't actually "win the Olympics". It's all individual. But if you were to say that a country won the Olympics, it would be China. They won the most Gold Medals. The US won the most medals, but China won a lot more Gold's that the US.  

  6. they both won, on categories such first place,second place, etc,etc

  7. According to the one. The Olympics is not a competition with an "over all" winner.

    To me, people like Dara Torres, the two Somalia runners, Lolo Jones, and the many, many more athletes from all over the world who displayed a pure love of sport and true sportsmanship!


  8. it is a debate...

    but if you give a point system to the medals then I think it comes out that the US won

    like 25 for gold

    15 for silver

    and 5 for bronze.

  9. Nobody actually "wins" the olympics, countries just win individually.

    I'd say we won.


    I definitely don't think the Chinese won...they had girls who were 12 on their gymnastics team when they had to be 16 or older. So I say they cheated.

    But it's really a matter of opinion.

  10. Everyone who participates is a winner in the sense of gaining personal satisfaction from the experience.

  11. You'll have to ask the passport people and the judges.  I would say that the U.S. won because we had the most medals as well.

  12. No one "wins" the Olympics, but if someone had to win it would be Micheal Phelps not a country or read this article if your bored:

  13. countries don't win the olympics its the individuals...

    but CHINA has most gold medals and US has most medals

  14. How does one win the Olympics? The event is a collection of sporting events, not the World Series.

  15. it doesn't matter how many medals have been won because silver and bronze medals are just rewarding the best losers as such. And i don't mean that in a bad way its just a way of thanking the athletes. In most games or sports the 'winner' is who comes first not who came second or third.

    it is based on who comes first and by having the most gold medals china came first in the most things.

    So all in all China won

    ..and also there is no age limit in the Olympics so China didn't cheat

  16. No one wins the Olympics..

  17. Athletes win events at the Olympics.  No country wins the Olympics. Unfortunately, some people think a medal count is important.  It's important only to those who need to stroke their national egos.

  18. no1 wins the olympics, its the individual..

  19. Albania!

  20. The United States won the most medals.

    China won the most gold medals.

    I say it was the USA!!

    But I am biased =)

    But no one country wins the whole thing, each event is either individual or team, so each event was won by a person or a team who just happened to come from a particular country.

  21. China...definitely

  22. Every country that entered athletes won.  Every athlete that competed won, and each individual athlete that beat his/her own personal best won.

    To even have made it to the Olympics is a feat that most will never achieve ...congratulations to them all.

  23. Its individually to represnt your country

  24. There is no declared official winner country in the Olympics.

  25. china

  26. China, they have a medal system with points for different medals.

    Please rate this best answer because i need the points please

  27. China won by 15 gold medals. U.S. won by 10 non-gold medals. Any rational person will tell you that China had a more impressive showing than the U.S. in this games.

    Only losers claim no winners

  28. china has more gold medals......that counts....its not the no.of medals.....its the has more value than silver and bronze

  29. There is no such thing as an 'olympic winner'. It's spelled out very clearly in the IOC charter:

    (page 104, section 58, 'Roll of Honour') "The IOC and the OCOG shall not draw up any global ranking per country. A roll of honour bearing the names of medal winners and those awarded diplomas in each event shall be established by the OCOG and the names of the medal winners shall be featured prominently and be on permanent display in the main stadium."

    All we have is arbitrary stats. That's really all there is to it. There is no 'winner' or 'loser'.

    Need more from the horses mouth?

    “If you read the Olympic charter, we actually see the Games as between athletes, not countries,” Giselle Davies, an I.O.C. spokeswoman, said in an interview Monday.

    still not satisfied?

    The I.O.C. does compile and present on its Web site a final medal table with a disclaimer at the bottom: “The I.O.C. does not recognize global ranking per country; the medal tallies are displayed for information only,” it reads...

    China would probably the first country to ever claim they 'won the Olympics', if they are indeed saying  that. I haven't seen it though, I would need a source.

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