
Which creature begins life as a mold, then as an animal, then finally as a plant?

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There is a creature that has two "metamorphosis" stages, beginning its life as some sort of fungal mold, then becoming a crawling animal creature, then ending its life as a sort of plant, complete with photosynthesis. What is it.




  1. Barack Obama

  2. I think you are thinking of a slime mold.

    Certain types of slime mold begin as single cells like amoebas, then join up to form slug-like creatures then end up similar to fungi, releasing spores to reproduce.

  3. nothing.....

    no wait..

    a child's imagination..

    seriously.. nothing

    such creature would defy toxoligical law and as such nothing has been described by science..

  4. some kind of amoeba if it exists.

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