
Which criminals make the most money?

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I was having this conversation with some friends the other day about which criminals make the most money (my personal opinion is that it's drug dealers). Who do you reckon in the criminal underworld makes the most money?

P.S. No, I am NOT doing "market research" for a criminal career lol!




  1. The Inland revenue.

  2. The ones who don,t get caught.

  3. Hmmm...

    I think you might try to find such information from the IRS?  That would have to come from reported income from criminal sources.

    <tongue in cheek>

    No way to find out.  

  4. Members of Parliament !

  5. I reckon it is the id thieves, they are according to news reports and on the internet run by organised crime groups mostly in asia area.

  6. Yup! It's gotta be drugs. No crime has quite that reach or 'victims/customers'. It can sustain entire national economies, like Afghanistan... and the Colombian cartels have wielded tremendous power in that country.

  7. Successful ones who stay alove and out of jail. White collar crime such as fraud or embezzlement probably pay best.  :0)

  8. "Monopolists."  William H. Gates III was, for a good number of years, the richest man in the world.

  9. Assasin.

  10. The government, the biggest crooks there are!!!!!!!!!

  11. Politicians with expenses budgets!

  12. politicians.

  13. I would have to say money launderers, because most of them do not get caught, but most of them are drug lords. A drug lord with this type of style would definetly make more money than an average street dealer.

    As for who makes the most money for doing the least amount of work, that would be a pimp, lol.

  14. Currency counterfeiters

  15. I believe there is a league of drug dealers and I believe, like you, that the one at the top may well be the most wealthy criminal.

  16. the profits that the energy companies make is criminal, it is pure extortion

  17. I agree with Jessie. 'legal' criminals.

  18. Based on the idea that the most profitable enterprises attract the greatest number of participants, then just look at the prison populations and the answer is clearly DRUGS. That is not to say that a single successful heist (and sale) of a great work of art is not just as profitable.

  19. Only they will know , and i do not intend to ask any  

  20. The Government followed closely by the drug barons

  21. Identity Thieves?

  22. russian hitmen

  23. Solicitors and Barristers!

  24. New Labour Scots Mafia.  

  25. All the Lloyds names and hedge fund managers in the city of London.

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