
Which cruise would you want to go on and why?

by Guest62165  |  earlier

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You are able to go on any 4 day cruise, all expenses paid for which one would you go on and why?




  1. Mediterranean Cruise would be beautiful

  2. Alaskan cruise.  My son died while in the U.S.C.G. at Sitka,AK.  I would love to go back and visit his duty station but my financial situation does not permit it..


  3. If I could find a 4 day cruise to Tortola, that is what I would pick.  That place is beautiful- Lots of tropical plants.

  4. If you are young and would love some fun in the sun, I would suggest a Caribbean route.  Short Mexican routes are fun too. The Pacific Northwest is fun and varied for a short trip.  Happy 21st.

  5. i would have said alaska and medditerranian, but i hvae been on alaske. i think 4 only 4 days you should go on a mexican one cause it would be a waste of money to fly all the way to the medditerainin for only a 4day cruise or alaska, but if all expenses were paid i would say medd.

  6. I would choose Carnival or Royal Caribbean that offers the longest stays in port so I could really explore the area without worrying about the time to get back onboard. :)

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