
Which culture costumes can you stand the least and why?

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Yes, I love everyone too no matter what race they are. However, some seem to have certain ideas or costumes that can get a little....well, kind of annyoing. Which culture do you like least and why?




  1. The muslim girls wearing the hijabs or all over black.

    thing is i'm muslim. but it's annoying. also the indian men wear on their head like a huge bumble bee thing.

    but it is everyday of culture!  

  2. japanese..

  3. im sick of seeing so many china-dresses everywhere, they look so tacky to me now, especially when paired with chopsticks in the hair. its like a westerner putting a knife and fork in their hair! what goes near your mouth shouldnt go in your hair. thats just gross. then again as far as im concerned chinese people arent exactly big on hygiene.

    also i dont like traditional maori costumes. i lived in new zealand for a while and there were so many concerts and gatherings where people wore the maori costume and now i just hate it. now the smell of flax or the sound of flax slapping against each other drives me insane.

    not to say i hate those cultures, just seeing their costumes everywhere is starting to hack me off. there is such thing as too much of a good thing.

  4. The whole business suit culture. I find that ties are an annoying and useless attire. that is why I love wearing scrubs to work everyday. going to work in pajamas.  

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