
Which culture do you think has the most inspirational women?

by Guest32330  |  earlier

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This is not a racist question. I would just like to know your opinion and why!




  1. I think that's hard to answer truthfully because who is considered inspiration depends on who is making that judgment, and who is writing it down in the history books. Some cultures may have many inspirational women that go undocumented.

  2. In my mind only Mother Teresa and Rosa parks comes to my mind...very outdated I think...hoping for more answers. Very GOOD question.

  3. Being inspirational is not a product of ones culture, it is a product of ones character. It occurs when the strength of ones character overcomes the circumstances of ones life. There are cultures where the display of such inspiration is more frequently called upon, and I don't know if the world is better for their having overcome, or worse, for their having had to. But what is saddest, is that it is so often overlooked. Humanity's greatest redeeming grace, the perseverance of his character, belongs so often to the least among us.

    Perhaps someday the Olympics will be the only place where people struggle to overcome. When we find our inspiration in that which we choose to do, and not that which are forced to endure. To save that which is best among us, and lose that which is worst. That's a world worth living for, that's a world worth struggling for.

  4. i suppose the ancient culture such as greek and roman...Dont forget the contribution of Kallipatira, Aspasia, Ippatia in ancient Greece...

    The rest is an imitation of the old good times

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