
Which dates is your favourite?

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my i love the balagh red dates from Medinah and the little soft ones from Tunisia....




  1. I like the one from Costco :)

  2. I like the ones from Madina and Algeria. Any kind from there.

    I once had dates from California...they were so nasty.

  3. I love ratab which are not fully dried dates but kinda light brown yellowish, still a bit fresh and mushy

  4. I love Barhee the king of dates

  5. My favorite dates are khalas dates i don't know anything about them except that they are the best

  6. Absolutely any - I love them all !

  7. Dates with almonds from Madinah.

  8. I love the red balagh, they're my favorite. my mom also stuffs tamer with almonds, they're so good. =)

  9. I like Medjool (large, sweet and succulent date) and Delget Nour/Noor (semi-dry and not very sweet) and any fresh ones.

    to know your dates (fruits) click the link below:

    @ Rehan,

    The dates that are sold in all stores in US are Medjool and Deglet Nour/Noor dates, are grown in California.

  10. i  only lovvvvvvvvve tamr they r my favourite..

    always love & peace..

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