
Which day and time should I expect least traffic, I just got licensed and am worried?

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I just got licensed and always had company driving while on permit. But I need to start drving on my own now. I am planning to drive this Saturday or Sunday whichever time and day I will expect less traffic. I live in a rural settlement and wil ltravel on the highway to a close grocery store /gasoline station. I haven't droven in the last 2 weeks so I am soo worried !




  1. 9:30

    or 7:30

    good luck!

  2. avoid rush hours 8 to 10 am -  3 to 6pm

    SAT & SUN  are the best

    during the week between 10:00 am and just b4 NOON

    a lot of ppl go for lunch but anywhere b4 3pm is good.

    just drive slow and be careful

    let the ppl in a hurry go around or honk all they want

    just don't panic, if you get nervous just pull over relax and try again.

  3. find out in your city when everyone goes to work in the morning and come home. In Adelaide, it's 8:00am to 10:00 am and 4:00pm and 6:00pm avoid the rush hours or whateva they are called

  4. Sunday morning, early, is a good time. Friday and Saturday night, late, is a bad time -- too many crazy drunks on the road. Get out on Sunday for a couple of weeks, get your confidence up, and then slowly work you way into other busier times. It's OK to be concerned about your own driving, but it's even more important to be aware of other drivers around you and what they are doing.

  5. 3 in the morning

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