
Which day in a week is the best day to eat at restaurant for fresh foods?

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Which day in a week is the best day to eat at restaurant for fresh foods?




  1. depends on your locale

  2. Tuesday is the first best day.  Traditionally restaurants prep up heavy for the weekends, and anything that doesn't sell carries over to Sunday and monday. The next best day would be friday, which is the day they prep heavy for the weekend.  it is possible to eat out on Mondays, as long as the restaurant does a good business on Sunday's with the church crowd.  This is based on most national chain restaurants, and differs from locally owned.

  3. Ask the restaurant when their deliveries are and then you'll know-they vary from restaurant to restaurant depending on who their suppliers are. Generally, those using local suppliers are more fresh. In my experience, the trucks usually deliver early Tuesday morning.

  4. Read somewhere it is Tuesday.

  5. The day the truck comes in.

  6. It just depends. I ordered food for a resturant for many years. The things is you order before you run out. And Then the truck comes in and the next day or so they will use there new food. Also depends on what type of food, Sea food has to be fresh everyday. But if you go to a pizza place that has a buffet. Ask when the buffet starts then you will know when the freshest pizzas will be.

  7. thursday afternoon   . It comes in fresh for the weekend

  8. Yes,it depends on where you live.In my case,we can have fresh foods everyday specially seafoods in any specialty resto around here. Its nver a problem, rain or shine!

  9. tuesday and thursday are normal fresh shipment days.

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