
Which day of the week is best to go to Cedar Point?????

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I am taking my girlfriend to Cedar Point in the next 2 weeks. It has been my ultimate dream to go to Ceadr Point. I have been wanted to go there since I was very little. I want to go but not get disapointed buy long *** lines.

I remember going to Kings Island on June 20 last year on a Thursday, and there was no lines at all. The longest wait was 15 minutes! What do you guys think.

I know Monday-Thursday is best but by your personal encounters, which day would be best for me and my girlfriend to go. Thanks for all your help!




  1. i have good luck w/ tuesdays...don't forget to go on hte Demon Drop!

  2. one can never know when these places will flood with people. but you're right, monday through thursday would be better than the weekends. i would say tuesday. some people may skip work on monday to go. and it's not close to the weekend. a tuesday seems to be desserted enough.

  3. I worked at cedar point one summer. Thursday- Monday the park is packed. End of June, to about Mid Aug. They are always busy BUT if you want to go to the least busy of days,  I would go with Tuesday...then maybe Wed.

    You will most likely hit about 1 -1 1/2 hour lines on tuesday and wed. but for the newer and most popular rides, you might be looking at a 2 hour wait ...such as the dragster, the maverick, teh millianum...its kind of a toss up

    also since its closer to 4th of july ppl are starting to vaction alot

    hehe its a busy place, great far one of the best out there, its beautiful and has so many rides, you can never get to them all in one day

    oh one more tip, best time to ride the biggest rides, is when the park 1st opens...or about a few hours before close :P


  4. Wednesday was always good for us. 15 minute wait for most of the rides. A little longer for the really good ones. Dragster, etc.

  5. I would say stay away from Monday. I'm not sure why, but it seems to be more crowded on Mondays than the rest of the week days. I camped at their campground for 3 days a couple years ago. We stayed Sun - Tues, and Monday was the worst day. Sun. was actually our least crowded day, but maybe that was just a fluke since other people are saying not to go on the weekend. I'd say try Tues. or Wed. there will probably still be some long lines though, b/c Cedar Point is just that awesome...everyone wants to go there! But if you stay from the time they open until the time they close, you should have enough time to ride everything multiple times, even if you do have to wait in a couple long lines.

    Have fun!! I'm probably going tomorrow, and I'm pretty pumped :-)

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