
Which deal is better for me?

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I get- jacoby ellsbury, brandon lyon

I give- aubrey huff, jay bruce, and jorge campillo

Trade 2

i get- ryan howard and brandon lyon

i give- aubrey huff jay bruce and tim hudson




  1. Depending on what you need, but right now Jacoby is slumping, but will get you alot of steals, but based on performance now Ryan Howard and Brandon Lyon is the overall better trade. Jay Bruce is also slumping and Campillo isn't that great and definetely not as good as howard or Lyon.

  2. Why do you keep asking the same basic question. I already answered one of them. I feel the one where you said Howard,Ellsbury and Lyon to you for Huff Hudson and Beltran

    Ok then what does you team lack. Power or speed.if you need power go with the Howard deal but if you need speed and maybe average go with the Ellsbury deal.

    I figured the other one would get shot down

  3. I would go with trade number 1. u get ellsbury with steals and good average. Lyon will keep giving u saves and u will need that in the future. go with this one, its a win win for u

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