
Which deck for your skateboard is better?

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I need a new deck for my skateboard. Is mystery, chocolate, zero, habitat, zoo york and enjoi. Tell me which are awesome for a street skater. Or review these boards. Thanks! If you got anything to recommend just review it!




  1. Go down to your local skate shops and cheak out these brands. Zero, Bam, Girl,Cholate, Blind, Baker, and my personal favorites, (also what im pushing atm) Santa cruz! Hope i helped

  2. enjoi, at vans.

  3. well it dosent really matter thats what my friend tells me

    you just have to get nice trucks and wheels

    but i love enjoi

  4. zoo york! or plan b or enjoi, but zooyork is the best

  5. zero

  6. well i use yellow brand they r pretty good but the deck doesn't matter if u have good trucks and wheels nut i recommend zoo york they r pretty good too. of u r a good sk8ter u you don't need the best deck.

  7. Zero/Mystery/Slave are all the same boards.  They come from the same factory.   I have a 3 month old Zero right now.  It is great.

    Also Enjoi, Almost, Speed Demons, Blind, and Darkstar are all the same boards.

    Also Chocolate and Girl are the same boards.

    All of them that I listed are great.

  8. habitat!!

  9. Those all suck.

    Try again, noob.

  10. not sure

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