Dear brother in Jesus,
God says, "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times. what is still to come!...What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned that will I do!" Isaiah 46:10a, 11b This Bible study compares all the Scripture on each End-time topic and exposes over 12 absolute contradictions of God’s Word by dangerous and deceptive pre-trib doctrines. The next Bible study shows the 7 Bible clues which positively reveals the identity of 666. And finally there is a Bible study which shows how Obama may qualify to be the very deceptive False Prophet of 666. And finally there are interesting Bible-based speculations on how close the Last Days may be.
Would greatly appreciate any comments or Bible studies you may have on the Last Days.
Your eternal friend in Jesus,

I Peter 1:13: “Therefore, prepare your minds for ACTION, and set your hope *FULLY* on the grace to be given YOU when Jesus Christ is *REVEALED*. I Cor 1:7: “YOU do not lack any spiritual gift as YOU eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be *REVEALED*.” Now the pre-tribbers claim that this glorious *REVEALING or *REVELATION* of Jesus will be *CONCEALED* BEFORE the beginning of the Great Tribulation. However, every other time the Word *REVEALED* {Greek-Apocalipsis} is used related to resurrection events it refers to the glorious REVEALING of Jesus on the *LAST DAY* of the Great Tribulation {See 2 Thess 1:7-10 & Luke 17:26-31}. And *CONCEALED* is the exact opposite of *REVEALED* and *APPEARED* according to every dictionary! Titus 2:13: “*WE* wait for the *BLESSED HOPE*—the glorious *APPEARING* of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Hebrews 9:28 “Jesus will *APPEAR* a 2nd time to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him!” Matthew 24:29,30: Jesus says, “IMMEDIATELY AFTER the distress of those days {The Great Tribulation} the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will *APPEAR in the sky and the nations will *SEE* the Son of Man COMING on the clouds!!” I John 2:28: “Dear children, continue in Him, so that when He *APPEARS* WE may be confident and unashamed before Him at His COMING!” {See 2 Thess 1:7-10; I Tim 6:14; Heb 9:28 & Col 3:4} 2 Tim 4:8: Paul said, There is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on THAT DAY—and not only to me, but to *ALL who have longed for His *APPEARING*!!” A meeting at an appointed place and time is called a RENDEZVOUS. We have a RENDEZVOUS with eternity at the glorious *APPEARING and *REVEALING of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ *IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Great Tribulation.
God has always allowed His people to suffer tribulation and trials because they purify and perfect their faith and will gain countless eternal rewards when Jesus Christ is *REVEALED. There are over 40,000 saints martyred every year and the main culprit is no longer just Islam and the RC Church. The Main culprits now are the 21 Muslim countries and Korea, China, Sudan, Venezuela, Nigeria and the RC Church. Millions of saints were martyred after 1917 in Russia and after 1948 in China. Romans 8:35-37: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?... For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!” I Peter 1:6-8: “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is *REVEALED.” I Peter 2:20b,21: “But if you suffer for doing good and endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow IN HIS STEPS.” I Peter 4:12,13: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But REJOICE that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is *REVEALED!” Read other persecution verses: Romans 5:3; Heb 13:35-40; 2 Tim 3:12; 2 Cor 1:7-10; I Thess 3:3,4; Phil 1:29; Phil 3:10; Rev 12:11; Rev 13:9,10 & Rev 14:13.
The courageous and faithful Tribulation saints will *NOT* be hurt by God’s *WRATH* as shown in Rev 14:9-11; 15:1,7; 16:1,19; or in any of the 7 trumpet or 7 bowl plagues as explained in Rev 9:4,20,21 and Rev 16:2,4-6,9,10,21; or in any of the plagues of God’s 2 witnesses as per Rev 11:6,10; or in *ETERNAL h**l*: Rev 14:9-11: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of *HIS WRATH*. He will be tormented with burning sulfur and the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever.” The pre-tribs often confuse the wrath of God with the persecution from the antichrist. They are not the same thing. The wrath of God is intended for the ungodly and will be poured upon them and them only. The Lord knows His target and He never misses. Jesus warned in Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in h**l.”
In Rev 18:1-24 we read about the plagues that will destroy the headquarters of 666 during the Great Triubulation. This evil city on 7 hills {See Rev 17:9} is called “Babylon” which Peter implied was the nicknmame for Rome in 2 Peter 5:13. In Rev 18:4 a voice from Heaven will order God's saints to stay away from Babylon {Rome-That great seaport-Rev 18:17-19} so that they will not participate in her sins or be hurt by God's wrath which will completely destroy Rome with many horrific plagues. There are 260 verses from Revelation chapters 6 thru 20 and 128 of these verses or 49% tell of the wrath of God to unbelievers, 666, his False Prophet and Rome. However, not even one of these verses tells of any wrath of God toward His courageous Tribulation saints.
However, in Matthew 24:3,9-13: The disciples asked Jesus, “What will be the sign of your Coming and the end of the age?? Jesus answered….. {During the Great Tribulation} “Then *YOU* will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and *YOU will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the Faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of *MOST* will grow cold,{THE GREAT APOSTASY} but he {The Called, Chosen & Faithful-Rev 17:14b} who stands firm to the End will be saved.” 2 Thess 2:1,3: “Concerning the Coming of our Lord Jesus and *OUR being gathered to Him...That day shall not come, except there come a falling away first!!” {NIV – Rebellion} It is estimated that there are about 800 million people who claim to be Christians out of the 7 billion people on earth. There are probably about 134 million saved evangelicals which leaves about 666 million who will fall away and follow 666. There will probably be about 6 billion 666 million people who will follow 666 so they can buy and sell everything; which leaves about 200 million that may be saved from every nation tribe and language as per Rev 7:9-14. Matt 7:13,14: Many follow the road to destruction and only a few find the road to life. These numbers are, of coarse, just a speculation. Read Revelation 12:11 & 13:10!!
The pre-tribbers claim that the "YOU" in Matthew 24:9 above are Jews only and that much of Matthew was only written for Jews like Matthew chapters 5-7. Which is of course completely ridiculous since Jesus said to His 11 Apostles in Matthew 28:19,20 “Go and make disciples of *ALL NATIONS*…teaching them to obey *EVERYTHING* I commanded you!” {Read John 12:48 & John 14:23} I John 2:3,4,6: “We know that we have come to know Him {Jesus} if we obey His commands. The man who says, ”I know Him,” but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him… Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.” According to Rev 12:17 the Tribulation Saints will also “Hold to the testimony of Jesus!” Now the pre-tribbers claim that the phrase “His elect” in Matt 24:31 & Mark 13:27 refers only to Jews which is, of course, ridiculous and is refuted in Romans 10:12: “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all.” Galatians 3:28,29: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise!!” Read Ephesians 2:11-22!! See “GOD'S ELECT” in 2 Tim 2:10, Titus 1:1 and 1 Peter 1:1,2.
God will miraculously take care of His Faithful and Courageous Tribulation Saints {Just as he took care of the Israelites for 40 years in the Wilderness} even though they won’t be able to buy or sell anything as per Rev 13:17a. {See Matthew 6:25-34 where storing up items are forbidden} This will come as a tremendous shock for those who teach the Prosperity Gospel and who are mainly seeking earthly treasures rather than eternal Heavenly Rewards. They teach: If you accept Jesus as your Savior you have a free pass to Heaven and God forbid that you should suffer any persecution or go through the Great Tribulation; which fits in with the pre-trib doctrines which are designed to increase church membership at the expense of the Truth. When is the last time you heard a sermon on the virtues and courage of the many thousands of present-day martyrs?? And this is probably why there will be a great FALLING AWAY {THE GREAT APOSTASY} at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
There are some pre-tribbers who wrongly teach that ALL of God's Tribulation saints will be martyred during the Great Tribulation. This belief is refuted in Rev 13:9,10 & Mark 13:20: Revelation 13:9,10: “He who has an ear, let him hear. If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.” Mark 13:20: Jesus says, “If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has shortened them.” How much the Great Tribulation will be shortened will be shown later.
Rev 6:9-11: When He {Jesus} opened the 5th seal, I saw the souls of those who had been slain {Just like Jesus} because of the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” The each of them was given a *WHITE ROBE*, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed. Rev 7:9,13,14,15a,17a: “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from *EVERY* NATION, TRIBE, PEOPLE AND LANGUAGE, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb {Jesus}. They were wearing *WHITE ROBES*…Then one of the {24} elders {Rev 4:4} asked me, “These in *WHITE ROBES*—who are they and where did they come from?”… And he said, “These are they who have come out of the Great Tribulation; {Martyrs just like Jesus} they have washed their robes and made them WHITE in the *BLOOD OF THE LAMB* {Jesus}. They are before the throne of God and serve him day and night... The Lamb {Jesus} at the center of the throne will be their Shepherd.” {See Rev 12:11 & Rev 13:8-10} This passage in Rev 7:9 above shows that the Great Tribulation will be mainly for Christians in *EVERY Gentile nation and not just Jacob’s Jewish trouble which absolutely contradicts the main thesis of the pre-trib fairy tale. Revelation 14:13: Then I heard a voice from heaven say {During the Great Trib}, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." Rev 12:11: “They {THE TRIBULATION MARTYRS} overcame him {Satan} by the *BLOOD OF THE LAMB* and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”
I Cor 15:20-24: “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the FIRSTFRUITS of those who have fallen asleep...For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ the FIRSTFRUITS {On the Day of Firstfruits}; then when He comes, those who belong to Him. {*THEN*} the {*END*} will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.” 2 Peter 7,10,13: “The present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the Day of judgement and destruction of ungodly men... But the Day of the Lord {See I Cor 1:7,8} will come like a thief.{To unbelievers} The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be burned up... But in keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH, the Home of righteousness.” Dan 9:24:“70 7's have been decreed to bring in everlasting righteousness.” {On the LAST DAY of the last 7} Rev 21 1:1-3: Then I saw a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. {THEN} I saw the NEW JERUSALEM, coming down out of heaven from God...,And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them!!” You will note that the New Jerusalem will come only *AFTER the present heaven and earth have passed away on the DAY OF THE LORD! Read Hebrews 11:10, 14-16 & John 14:1-3. The pre-tribbers wrongly believe that THE DAY OF THE LORD is the entire Great Tribulation period. However, Acts 2:20 states “The sun will be trurned to darkness and the moon to blood {See Matt 24:29} **BEFORE** the coming of the great and glorious DAY OF THE LORD.” {See 2 Peter 3:10 above!!}
Jesus says in Rev 2:17; 3:4, 5, 21: “To him who overcomes...I will give a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.....He will walk with Me for he is worthy..... I will acknowledge his name before My Father and His angels.... I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem.....I will write on him my New Name... and I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” According to Rev 22:3 these 2 thrones will be the only thrones in the Heavenly New Jerusalem!. Rev 19:14: We will ride Heavenly White horses. Dan 12:3: “Those who impart wisdom will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousneess like the stars for ever and ever.”
Unfortunately most of the pre-tribbers actually believe that the tribulation saints will not be saved by the blood of Christ {See Rev 12:11 & Rev 7:14b!!} like the present church saints; and will not be in the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. However, in Revelation 13:8 we read: “All inhabitants of the earth will worship the Beast {666}….*ALL* whose names have not been written in the *LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE*!”
2 Thess 1:1; 2:1,3,8” “To the *CHURCH* of the Thessalonians…Concerning the *COMING* of our Lord Jesus Christ and *OUR* being gathered to Him…Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way for *THAT DAY* will not come *UNTIL* the man of lawlessness is revealed!!... Then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy with the splendor of His *COMING*!” So anyone who claims that the church saints will be gathered *BEFORE* the coming of the lawless one {666} is absolutely contradicting God’s inspired words!! This, of course, totally destroys the central pre-trib doctrine of the *IMMINENT* coming of Jesus! {That Jesus could come RIGHT NOW} Since the *COMING of Jesus in 2 Thess 2:8 is POST-TRIB then the *COMING of Jesus when *WE are gathered to Him in 2 Thess 2:3 must also be POST-TRIB since it is in the same context and obviously refers to the same day.
Mark 13:11: “When you are brought to trial {DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION} do not worry about what to say, for it is not you speaking, but the *HOLY SPIRIT*.” This of course contradicts the ridiculous pre-trib idea that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the saints during the Great Tribulation. Mark 13 is a Tribulation chapter. The only weapon we may use is the sword of the Spirit {Eph 6:17} which is the Word of God.
Matthew 24:29-31: Jesus says, “Immediately after the distress of those {1260} days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.” {Luke 21:28 adds “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”} Then the nations will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud {7TH & LAST} *TRUMPET* CALL and they will gather *His elect* from the 4 winds {Mark 13:27b adds:} “from the ends of the earth {Saints on earth} to the ends of the Heavens {Saints in Heaven}!!” JESUS WILL COME AGAIN WHEN THE *7TH* ANGEL SOUNDS THE LOUD *7th* AND *LAST* TRUMPET CALL OF GOD. Rev 11:15a, 18: “The *7TH* angel sounded his trumpet… and the time has come for judging the dead and for rewarding your servants the prophets and saints.” Rev 10:7: “But in the days when the *7th* angel is about to sound his trumpet the *MYSTERY* of God will be accomplished! I Cor 15:51: “Listen, I tell you a *MYSTERY*! We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the *LAST* {Or *7TH*} trumpet.” There are only 7 trumpets in God’s Word during the Great Tribulation and the 7th TRUMP is of course the *LAST TRUMP when the *MYSTERY* of God will be accomplished, and is also the TRUMPET CALL OF GOD in I Thess 4:16.
John 6:40” Jesus says, “For my Father’s will is that EVERYONE who looks to the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the *LAST DAY*!” Pre-tribbers believe that the *LAST DAY* mentioned 6 times in John 6:39,40,44,54;11:24,12:48 refers to a CONCEALED RESURRECTION 7 years *BEFORE THE LAST DAY*. However, John 12:48 shows that the lost will also be condemned on that same *LAST DAY*!
*WHEN WILL THE LOST BE JUDGED AND SENT TO h**l*? John 12:48: Jesus says, “There is a Judge for the one who rejects Me and does not accept My words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the *LAST DAY*!!” 2 Thess 1:1,6-10: ‘To the *CHURCH* of the Thessalonians…God is just; He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen *WHEN* the Lord Jesus is *REVEALED* {See I Peter 1:13} from heaven in blazing fire…. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting *DESTRUCTION* and shut out from the presence of the Lord *ON THE DAY HE COMES* to be glorified in His holy people!!” {THE LAST DAY-See Rev 20:11-15} Matt 25:31-33,41: Jesus says, “*WHEN* the Son of Man comes in His glory,{On the Last Day} and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another……He will put His sheep on His right and the goats on the left…. Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire!” John 5:28,29: Jesus says, “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming {The Last Day} when *ALL* {Both OT & NT Saints} who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out—those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” Daniel 12:1b,2,7b: “There will be a time of distress {The Great Tribulation} such as not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time {The Last Day} your people--*EVERYONE* whose name is found written in the book {Both OT & NT Saints}—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt…It will be for a time. times and half a time {1260 days-Rev 12:6,14, or 42 {30-day} months-Rev 13:5-{Not 7 years} *ALL* these things will be *COMPLETED. The pre-tribbers wrongly believe that the OT saints will receive their eternal perfect heavenly bodies 7 years AFTER the Church saints. However, in Hebrews 11:39,40 we read “These {OT super saints mentioned in Heb 11:4-38} were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that ONLY TOGETHER WITH US {NT Saints} would they {OT Saints} be made perfect!”
By comparing Rev 12:7b and Rev 12:14b we find that 1260 Days and Time {360 Days} Times {720 Days} and ½ a Time {180 Days} are the exact same period of time. Likewise, when we compare Rev 13:5b with Daniel 7:25b we learn that 42 {30-day Bible} MONTHS and Time {12 Months}, Times {24 Months} and ½ a Time {6 Months} are also the exact same period of time. And therefore 42 {30-Day Bible Months} and Time, Times and ½ a Time are the exact same period of time since 42 X 30 days equal exactly 1260 days. 12 Months = 360 Days = {1 Time} 24 Months = 720 Days = {2 Times} 6 Months = 180 Days = {Half a Time} and 42 Months = 1260 Days = 3 ½ Times. Whereas, 42 times 29 ½ -day Babylonian moon months only adds up to 1239 days!
NOTE: A BIBLE MONTH IS ALWAYS 30 DAYS!! The only other text where the Bible specifies the number of days in a month besides Rev 13:5b is Genesis 7:11 & Genesis 8:3,4: Where the 17th day of the 2nd Bible Month {Gen 7:11} to the 17th day of the 7th Bible Month {Gen 8:4} is EXACTLY 150 days which would be exactly five 30-day months {Gen 8:3 & Gen 7:34}. All Bible Years are 12 consecutive 30-day months followed by 5 or 6 days. Pagan Babylonian Moon Months sinfully adopted by Israel during the Babylonian captivity have alternating 29 and 30-day months since there is a New Moon every 29½ days If God was using Babylonian Moon Months in the above passage he would have said that 5 Bible Months were 147 or 148 days and not EXACTLY 150 days!!
If you check your concordances you will find that there are 20 OT passages that are wrongly translated NEW MOON that should be translated NEW MONTH. In each case the INSPIRED Hebrew word for MONTH {CHODESH} is used, whereas the Hebrew word for MOON {YARAYACH} is not present. {See I Sam 20:5,18,24; II Kings 4:23; I Chron 23:31; II Chron 2:4; 8:12; 31:3; Ezra 3:5; Neh 10:33; Ps 81:3; Isa 1:13,14; 66:23 Ezek 45:17; 46:1,3,6; Hosea 2:11 & Amos 8:5} In the NT Col 2:16 should be translated NEW MONTH instead of NEW MOON since the INSPIRED Greek word for MONTH {MEN} is used, whereas the Greek word for MOON {SELENE} cannot be found. In Col 2:16 the Greek word used is NEOMENIA which should be translated NEW MONTH: For “NEOS” is the Greek word for NEW and “MEN” is the Greek word for MONTH. In May of AD 325 the Council of Nicea decided that starting in April, AD 326 the Resurrection Day of Jesus should be determined by the Babylonian Moon Calendar instead of April 5th, or the 16th day of first Bible month of Abib {See Ex 23:15 & Deut 16:1} The 1st Day of the 1st Bible month of Abib is always sundown Mar 20 to sundown Mar 21. The Nicean Council decided that our Lord's Resurrection Day should be called EASTER beginning in April, AD 326. DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF EASTER: Easter from the old English Eastre, the name of Babylonian Mother Nature goddess: ISHTAR!! The Phoenician name for ISHTAR or EASTER is Ashtoreth or Asherah who was worshipped as a goddess and the female counterpart of the sun god Baal. She was regarded both as the goddess of war and destruction as well as the deity of love and fertility. Her licentious worship was condemned by God {See Deut 7:5;16:21,22; Judges 2:12,13} The KJV uses the word EASTER instead of Passover in Acts 12:4?
Rev 13:5,7: The beast will be given a mouth to utter blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 {30-day} months {Not 7 years}…He will be given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. [COMPARE Dan 7:25: “He will speak against the Most High and oppress His saints. The saints will be handed over to him for time {12 months}, times {24 months} and ½ a time {6 months}. {Not 7 years} For example: If the coming of 666 will be on April 5th, 2011 then the 2nd coming of Jesus would occur 1260 days later on September 16th, 2014.
Now there are some who suggest that the Anti-Christ will exercise his authority for 7 years {Not 42 Months} and that the Great Tribulation will last 7 years {Not 1260 Days or 3 ½ Times}. They have only **ONE** Bible verse {Daniel 9:27—which they grossly misinterpret} to support this idea which absolutely contradicts God’s Divine Time Periods as found in Rev 13:5b, Dan 7:25b & Dan 12:7b.
NOTE: About 280 years before the Dan 9:24-27 Prophecy God made this amazing prophecy in Isaiah 44:28: The Lord… says of *CYRUS*, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of JERUSALEM LET IT BE REBUILT!” This verse absolutely contradicts the Artaxerxes theory! NOTE: According to Leviticus 25:8 a Sabbath ‘week’ or 7 is *7 YEARS and 7 times 7 YEARS or ‘weeks’ is a Jubilee or 49 years.
Dan 9:24-27: “70 7’s {490 years} are decreed for your people to Anoint the Most Holy, TO ATONE FOR WICKEDNESS and to bring in everlasting righteousness... "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree {By Cyrus-Isa 44:28 above} to rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One comes {Oct 23, AD 29?} there will be 7 plus 62 7's {Which is 69 7's or 483 years}. "After the 62 7's {actually 1260 days after on April 3-5 AD 33} the Anointed One will be cut off but not for Himself..... He {The Anointed One} will confirm a COVENANT with many for one 'seven'. In the middle of the 'seven' {After 1260 days} He {The Anointed One} will put an end to SACRIFICE {And then after a long pause} the abomination of Desolation {666} will come {for 1260 days} until the decreed end is poured out on him.” And so the first half of the last 7 has already been completed. Hebrews 9:15,26b-28: Christ is the mediator of a NEW COVENANT so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance--now that He has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins commtted under the first covenant...But now He has APPEARED once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the SACRIFICE of Himself... so Christ was SACRIFICED ONCE to take away the sins of many people, and He will *APPEAR* a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.
And so when the Anointed One came 69 7's or 483 years were 100% completed [See Dan 9:25 above} leaving just one 7 in the future; which will be totally used by those who wrongly believe in a future 7-year Tribulation; which means that the Atonement for sin by Jesus about 3 ½ years after His Anointing can not be included in the 70 7's Prophecy. However, God's Word clearly states that 70 7's are decreed ...TO ATONE FOR WICKEDNESS which occurred about 3 ½ years after the end of the 69 7's and therefore the first half of the last 7 has already been completed! And so the Great Tribulation and the rule of 666 will be 1260 days or 42 months or 3 ½ times which agrees which God's Word in Dan 12:1,2,7b; Dan 7:25 & Rev 13:5.
Mark 13:20: Jesus says, “If the Lord had not cut short those {Tribulation} days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has shortened them.”The first 69 7's were 365-day years {7 years = 2557 days} but the Last 7 has been shortened to 360-day years and two 1260-day periods or 2520 days. And so God has shortened the last 7 of the 70 7's from 2557 days to two 1260-day periods or 2520 days. And God has shortened the Great Tribulation from 3 ½ years or 1278 days to 3 ½ times or 1260 days.
NOTE: The prophecies and time periods found in Daniel 8:1-27 {1150 days or 2300 morning and evening sacrifices} and Daniel 10:11 to 11:45 and Daniel 12:11,12 {1290 & 1335 Days} were all completely fulfilled during the evil reign of Antiochus Epiphanes IV from 172 BC to 164 BC {See Macabees 1:10,44-64; 4:52,53} and have absolutely nothing to do with the time periods and prophecies of the 1260-Day Great Tribulation or reign of 666; and are not mentioned or even implied in Revelation or anywhere in the New Testament. Daniel 12:1-10 was an End-Time Prophecy parenthesis { } which did not include Daniel 11:45 nor Daniel 12:11,12. Almost all of the prophecies in the OT are a parenthesis { } in a text which had nothing to do with the prophecy. The only End-Time verses in Daniel are Daniel 2:31-45; Daniel 7:7-28; Daniel 9:27b and Daniel 12:1-10.
IS THE 1,000 YEAR FIRST RESURRECTION IN REVELATION 20:4-6 FOR THE 24 ELDERS ON THRONES AND MARTYRS ONLY?? Jesus promised to 12 Apostles who followed Him {Including Paul?} that they would be given 12 thrones and the authority to JUDGE in Matthew 19:28 & Luke 22:30. In Revelation 4:4 Before the beginning of the Great Tribulation John saw exactly 24 thrones surrounding God's Throne in Heaven. The other 12 thrones were most likely given to 12 prominent OT Elders such as Abraham, Joseph and Isaiah. One of these 24 Elders speaks in Rev 7:13-17 and after the 7TH angel sounds the 7TH and Last Trumpet in Rev 11:15 ONLY the 24 Elders state in Rev 11:16-18: “The time has come for JUDGING the dead and for rewarding your saints.”
It is completely obvious that the 1,000 year reign mentioned in Revelation 20:4-6 is for 24 ELDERS on Thrones and MARTYRS ONLY according to God's Word in Revelation 20:4,5b,6a: "I saw Thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to JUDGE and I saw the SOULS of those who had been beheaded {Or martyred} because of their testimony for Jesus {NT Martyrs} and because of the Word of God {OT Martyrs}. They had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands {Tribulation Martyrs}. THEY {THE 24 ELDERS & MARTYRS} came to life and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years... This is the FIRST RESURRECTION... Blessed and holy are those who have part in the FIRST RESURRECTION. Rev 20:5a: “The rest of the dead {Those saints who are not martyrs or the 24 Elders on Thrones} did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ENDED.” Which, of course, would be the SECOND RESURRECTION at the 2nd Coming of Jesus. There are only TWO RESURRECTIONS for all saints mentioned in Rev 20:4-6: The FIRST RESURRECTION is for Martyrs and the 24 Elders only and INCLUDES the Tribulation Martyrs. And therefore the SECOND RESURRECTION must come on the Last Day of the Great Tribulation and must include all saints {Both OT & NT} who are not martyrs or the 24 Elders on thrones.
The Heavenly rewards for the faithful and courageous *MARTYRS* is one of the most important central themes in the book of Revelation. For they will reign with Jesus in Heaven during the 1,000 years before His 2MD Coming; and according to Revelation 7:14-17: They are before the Throne of God and God will spread His tent over them. They will receive White Robes washed in the blood of the Lamb. Never again will they hunger or thirst and God Himself will wipe every tear from their eyes. Jesus will be their Shepherd and will lead them to springs of Living Water. Later, on the same Last Day, there will be only 2 thrones: for Jesus and His Father in the Heavenly New Jerusalem. See Rev 22:3 & Rev 3:21.
FOR EXAMPLE: Let us suppose that the SECOND RESURRECTION takes place on September 16th, 2014; then the continuous 1,000 year FIRST RESURRECTION for MARTYRS AND 24 ELDERS ONLY would take place from September 16th, AD 1014 to Sepember 16th, 2014. The 24 Elders and all of the OT & NT saints martyred before September 16th, 1014 were awakened to reign with Jesus in Heaven and every Martyr martyred after September 16th, 1014 were and will be immediately awakened to reign with Jesus in the continuous 1,000 year FIRST RESURRECTION to be completed on September 16th, 2014 at the SECOND RESURRECTION when "The rest of the dead come to life when the thousand years are ENDED." {Rev 20:5a} Rev 20:4b “I saw the *SOULS of those who had been martyred because of their testimony for Jesus... they came to life and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years. The Martyrs SOULS will only get their New Heavenly bodies when the 1,000 years are ENDED at the 2nd Coming of Jesus.
This seems to contradict John 6:40: Jesus says, “EVERYONE who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the LAST DAY.” However, the LAST DAY RESURRECTION could last 1,000 years for in 2 Pet 3:8 we read: “With the Lord a DAY is like 1,000 years, and 1,000 years are like a DAY!!
Let us assume that the Great Tribulation will last 1260 days from April 5th, 2011 to Sept 17th, 2014. As you know Satan was successful in stopping the Gospel from spreading past 5% of the earth; or southern Europe and Northern Africa for almost 1000 years. Suddenly the Gospel was being preached throughout the pagan kingdoms of Russia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden around AD 1011. And in the past 1000 years the Gospel has spread to all of Africa and Asia, North and South America, and all the remote islands of the earth. As you know the gospel must be preached to every nation of the earth before the end can come as per Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 7:9. And so about 95% of the world’s nations have heard the gospel for the first time during the past 1,000 years. Rev 20:2,3: “He {The angel} seized the dragon, who is the devil or Satan and bound him for 1,000 years {FOR EXAMPLE: April 5th, AD 1011 to April 5th, 2011}. He threw him into the Abyss to keep him from deceiving the nations until the 1,000 years were ended {April 5th, 2011}. After that he must be set free for a short time.” Or 1260 days from April 5th, 2011 to Sept 17th, 2014 during the Great Tribulation when Satan will again deceive ALL the nations until the Last Day.
Rev 3:1,3: Jesus says, “To the angel of the {*CHURCH*} in Sardis write…But *IF you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.” 1 Thess 1:1, 5:4: “To the {*CHURCH*} of the Thessalonians…But you brothers {*CHURCH SAINTS*}, are not in darkness so that *THIS DAY*{Just Mentioned In I Thess 4:16,17} should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the DAY.” And so once the 1260-day Tribulation begins all of God’s {*CHURCH*} saints will know the exact day that the Tribulation will end at the Second Coming of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the *LAST DAY*. And so the resurrection day of I Thess 4:16 to I Thess 5:4 will not be a surprise to the saints resurrected in I Thess 4:16,17 just as the resurrection day at the end of the 1260-day Great Tribulation will not be a surprise to *ALL* of God’s saints which proves that the resurrection day mentioned in I Thess 4:16,17 will also come on the LAST DAY of the Great Tribulation!!!
Also in the context of I Thess 4:16 to I Thess 5:4 is this interesting statement in I Thess 5:2,3: “You know very well that the day of the Lord {Just mentioned in I Thess 4:16} will come like a thief in the night. {to unbelievers} While people are saying ‘peace and safety,’ DESTRUCTION WILL COME ON THEM SUDDENLY… AND THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE!!” {See 2 Thess 1:6-10 and Matthew 25 :31-33,41-46} After 6 of the last 7 bowl plagues of the Great Tribulation Jesus will make this statement in Rev 16:15: “Behold, I come like a thief!”{See 2 Pet 3:7,10 & Rev 3:3!!} Christ Himself says that He is coming like a thief at the end of the tribulation just before the battle of Armageddon!! This destruction of the lost in h**l will occur on the LAST DAY of the Great Tribulation as shown above in Matt 25:31-33:41-46: John 5:28,29; 12:48; Daniel 12:1,2,7b & 2 Thess 1:6-10, which firmly places the resurrection mentioned in I Thess 4:16 to I Thess 5:4 on the Last day of the Great Tribulation and not a *CONCEALED* pre-trib rapture 1260 days or 7 years BEFORE the LAST DAY of the Great Tribulation!!
Zechariah 4:11,14: "Then I asked the angel, 'What are these *TWO* OLIVE TREES {See Rev 11:4 below} on the right and left of the lamp stand?'... the angel said, 'These are the TWO who are anointed to serve the Lord of the earth!'" Rev 11:3-6: {God said to John} "I will give power to My *TWO* witnesses and they will prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth! These are the *TWO OLIVE TREES {See Zech 4:11,14 above} and the 2 lamp stands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire will come from their mouths to destroy their enemies. This is how anyone who tries to harm them must die {See 2 Kings 1:9-12; Num 16:31-35}. These *MEN* will have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying {See 1 Kings 17:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17}; and they will have power to turn the waters into blood {See Exodus 7:15-23} and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish." Moses and Elijah witnessed to 3 Apostles on the mount of Transfiguration when Moses & Elijah spoke to Jesus about his departure or Ascension, which Jesus was to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem 40 days after His resurrection. Luke 9:30,31: “TWO MEN Moses and Elijah, appeared in GLORIOUS SPLENDOR talking with Jesus. They spoke about His Departure {Or Ascension} which He was about to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem." Moses and Elijah were most assuredly the *TWO MEN* dressed in white who witnessed at the Departure or Ascension of Jesus in Acts 1:10,11: "They looked up into the sky as He {Jesus} was going when suddenly *TWO MEN* dressed in WHITE stood beside them. "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into Heaven!" And then in Luke 24:2b-6b we read: They did not find the body of Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly *TWO MEN*... stood beside them... And the *MEN* said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? HE IS NOT HERE; HE HAS RISEN!!" Jesus says in John 8:17b: "The testimony of *TWO MEN IS VALID* and of course the testimony of Moses and Elijah is just about as valid as you can get. And so the coming of God's *TWO MEN* or witnesses to prophesy for 1260 days {See Rev 11:3-7} will be their FOURTH appearance as God's 2 witnesses or MEN. And the reason that their names are not mentioned in Luke 24:3 and Acts 1:10 and Rev 11:3-12 is that the Father, Moses and Elijah want us to glorify *NO ONE ELSE BUT JESUS*!!
Moses and Elijah will most likely witness miraculously to people in the uttermost parts of the earth in all 6,000 languages. Presently the Bible has been translated into about 2,000 languages from the inspired Greek and Hebrew manuscripts and faith comes from hearing or reading the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. The Bible still has not been translated into about 4,000 languages and Rev 5:9b and Rev 7:9,13,14 must be completely fulfilled. Surely the courageous tribulation saints will help Moses and Elijah spread God's Word. They will do a fantastic job since according to Rev 7:9,14 there will be a great multitude from EVERY TRIBE AND LANGUAGE who will be “washed in the Blood of the Lamb”. Moses & Elijah will be dressed in SACKCLOTH which is appropriate since the Tribulation saints will be very poor, for they will not be able to buy or sell anything as per Rev 13:17. Moses and Elijah will certainly speak the Word of God with great power and love. They will not add or take words away from the Prophetic Words of God {See Rev 22:18,19}; and they will encourage God's courageous saints to adhere to *ALL* of the NT commandments {See Rev 12:13b; 14:12b; Matt 28:20a; John 14:15,21,23; I John 2:2-5} with love {See Matt 5:39-48 & Rom 12:17-21} in the face of severe and hostile persecution.
Moses and Elijah will begin their 1260-day testimony {Rev 11:3} 3 ½ days before the coming of 666 & the 1260-day Great Tribulation and 1263 ½ days before the Last Day. {*THE FIRST END-TIME EVENT*} Moses and Elijah will warn us of the coming of 666 & his False Prophet. It seems very appropriate that God will send His TWO PROPHETS {See Rev 11:10b} to warn and prepare His saints for the coming of Satan, 666 and the Great Tribulation for in Amos 3:7 we read: "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the PROPHETS!" GOD'S PROPHETS are mentioned 8 times in Revelation: Revelation 10:7; 11:10; 11:18; 16:6; 18:20,24; 22:6 & 22:9. Whereas; preachers, pastors and evangelists are not even mentioned once in Revelation! God will allow 666 to martyr Moses and Elijah {See Rev 11:7,8} right where their Lord was crucified. {At the new *HOLY PLACE* where Jesus shed his blood for our sins} 3 ½ days later Moses and Elijah will rise to heaven just minutes before the 7th angel sounds the 7th Trump at the 2nd coming of Jesus.{See Rev 11:11-18} Mark 13:14: Jesus says, “When you see 666 standing where he does not belong {At the New Holy Place}....then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” {See Rev 11:7,8 & Rev 16:15}
John 2:19: Jesus said, “Destroy this TEMPLE and I will raise it again in 3 days.” This HOLY PLACE is where Jesus became the chief cornerstone {Eph 2:20,21} and we are living stones {I Pet 2:5 & 2 Cor 6:16} in the LAST TEMPLE made without hands! {Acts 17:24} Certainly, the old Jerusalem and the old Temple site are NO LONGER HOLY PLACES. Hebrews 13:12-14: "Jesus suffered outside the city gate to make the people HOLY THROUGH HIS BLOOD. Let us, then, go to Him outside the city, bearing the disgrace He bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the CITY {THE NEW JERUSALEM} that is to come." {See Heb 11:10,13-16; Heb 12:22; Rev 3:12b; 21:2,10-27; 22:1-5; 2 Pet 3:13} Gal 4:25,26: "Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem {Called Sodom in Rev 11:8} because she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem that is ABOVE is free, and she is our mother." {The New Jerusalem}
Some End-Time Groups who wrongly interpret Daniel 9:27a, and who believe in a 7-year Tribulation, {Starting with a New Jewish Temple} are now spreading false rumors that religious Jews are now building a Temple or are planning to tear down the Muslim Dome of the Rock in order to rebuild a Jewish Temple to Biblical specifications and will then REINSTITUTE animal sacrifices??? However there are several big problems with this scenario: All 21 Arab Muslim nations including Pakistan which has many nuclear bombs would then immediately declare an all-out Holy War on Israel, and the Israeli government fully understands this. I know this for I was a missionary in Israel. A Jewish Temple built to Biblical specifications would then take at least 7 years to build during this continuous war with the 21 Muslim nations. Most of these same End-Time Groups also teach that a pre-trib rapture could occur TODAY {Not at least 7 years from today} which of course makes the ridiculous *IMMINENT* pre-trib belief {That Jesus could come TODAY} a big joke.
Now all those who believe in a 7-year Tribulation only because of the wrong interpretation of Daniel 9:27a also believe that immediately following a CONCEALED pre-trib rapture of the Church saints that the Anti-Christ will make a Covenant with Israel; allowing the Jews to make animal sacrifices in a Jewish Temple built to Biblical specifications. They believe that at the end of 3 1/2 years in the middle of the 7 years the antichrist will put an end to all animal sacrifices in this Jewish Temple. However, for over 1,000 years religious Jews have believed that when their Messiah comes He will bring with him the New Jewish Temple and the required Ark of the Covenant. And then the Messiah will re-establish the Levitical priesthood; who will then offer animal sacrifices according to OT Law. For according to OT Law {See Numbers 3:5-10} all Jewish Priests must prove that they are direct descendants of Levi and these Levitical genealogies were completely destroyed when the last Jewish Temple was destroyed in AD 70. Therefore, no Scriptural OT animal sacrifices could possibly occur before then; since no Jew can now prove that he is a Levite!! And so if you are waiting for this Jewish Temple to be built to Biblical specifications by Jews who will then offer animal sacrifices; you are going to have to wait until this bogus Jewish messiah comes. Please do not hold your breath until this time!
Did Herod the Great completely destroy the 2nd Temple including its foundations around 17 BC?? The following is a quote from "Antiquities of the Jews" by Josephus, Page 334, Para 1 & 3: "And now Herod, in the 18th year of his reign undertook a very great work, that is, to build of himself the temple of God and make it LARGER in compass, and to raise it to a most significant altitude, as esteeming it to be the most glorious of all his actions and this would be sufficient for an everlasting memorial to Herod TOOK AWAY THE OLD FOUNDATIONS AND LAID OTHERS, and erected the temple upon them. Herod's 3rd Temple was 100 cubits {150 feet} long." {The first two Jewish temples were both 60 cubits {90 feet} long as per 2 Chronicles 3:3 & Ezra 6:3.} So then Herod's Temple was the 3RD TEMPLE which according to John 2:20 took "46 years to build".
There are some who believe that a {4th} Jewish Temple built to Biblical specifications will appear during the End-Times and is suggested in Revelation 11:1. The TEMPLE IN HEAVEN is mentioned 12 times in Revelation where worshippers are present: Rev 3:12;7:15;11:19(2X);14:15,17;15:5,6,8(2x); & Rev 16:1,17. The only other time that a temple is mentioned is in Rev 11:1; where worshippers are present; so this could also be a reference to the TEMPLE IN HEAVEN. Let us compare Rev 11:1 with Rev 7:15 and Rev 8:3-5: Revelation 11:1: I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the TEMPLE OF GOD and the ALTAR, and count the worshippers there." Rev 7:15:"They {martyrs as per Rev 7:9-14} are before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in HIS TEMPLE." Rev 8:3-5: Another angel, who had a golden censor, came and stood at the ALTAR. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden ALTAR before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand. Ephesians 2:19b-22: "You are members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ Himself as the chief cornerstone {Of the 4th and LAST TEMPLE}. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a HOLY TEMPLE in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built {Living Stones-1 Pet 2:5} together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. 2 Cor 6:16 "For *WE are the TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD!"{See Revelation 11:1 above!!} Acts 17:24: The God who made the world and everything in it ...does not live in temples built by hands. The “outer court” of the TEMPLE OF GOD in Rev 11:2 would be the saints on earth who are also the TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD.
Revelation 1:7: “Look, He is coming with the *CLOUDS*, and *EVERY EYE* will see Him, even those who pierced Him!” This 2nd Coming of Jesus with the *CLOUDS* is also mentioned in Matt 24:30 and I Thess 4:17 and in Matthew 26:64: Jesus replied, “But I say to all of you: In the future you {Unsaved Jews at His trial} will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty one and coming on the *CLOUDS* of heaven!”
There will be 2 Comings of Jesus on the same Last Day. The First Coming will be *FOR* His saints and His second Coming will be *WITH* His saints on Heavenly White Horses right after they celebrate the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. {Read Rev 19:7-9 & Rev 17:11,14} They will conqer 666 and his 10 armies {See Rev 17:19-21}. This then explains the resurrection of God's saints in Luke 17:30,35: Jesus says, “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is *REVEALED....two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” All of the lost who are left behind when Jesus is *REVEALED; will later be judged and then sent to h**l on that same Last Day. {See 2 Thess 6-10; John 5:28,29; 12:48; Daniel 12:1,2,7b & Matt 25:31-33;41-46}
Jesus {See Rev 1:10,18} said to John in Rev 1:19: “Write what you have seen, what is now {Rev chapters 2 & 3} and *WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE LATER*.” {Rev chapters 6-22} Events that will occur on the Last Day are recorded in Rev 6:12-17; Rev 11:15-19; Rev 14:14-20; Rev 16:17-21; Rev 19:1-21 & Rev 20:9b-15. Question: How many words in Revelation, chapters 6-22 are devoted to a rapture before the beginning of the Great Tribulation?? Answer: *ZERO*!! In Rev 4:1 Jesus invited John to come up to Heaven in AD 96 so that he could write what he saw. Rev 4:1b: Jesus said to John in AD 96, “Come up here, and I will show you *WHAT MUST TAKE PLACE.” Unfortunately, there are some pre-tribbers who teach that Rev 4:1 actually proves a *CONCEALED* rapture of the church saints before the beginning of the Great Tribulation; which shows a *NEW LOW in honest Bible exegesis. The Olivet discourse by Jesus about the End-Times are recorded in Matt 24 & 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Events which will occur on the Last Day of the Tribulation including the 2nd Coming are recorded in Matt 24:29-31; Matt 25:31-46; Mark 13:24-27 & Luke 21:25-28. How many words in the Olivet discourse are devoted to a rapture before the Great Tribulation? Answer: *ZERO*!!
Rev 22:16,18,19: Jesus says, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give *YOU* {The Greek for YOU is plural} this testimony {ALL OF REVELATION} *FOR* the CHURCHES.” This contradicts the ridiculous pre-trib idea that Revelation, chapters 4-19, was not written *FOR* the CHURCHES! The word “CHURCH”is also not mentioned in 9 books of the NT: John, Mark, Luke, 2 Tim, 1 John, 2 John, 1 Peter, 2 Peter and Jude; and is not mentioned in the first 15 chapters of Romans and yet every word in all these NT books are “FOR THE CHURCHES”..... “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone *ADDS anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book.”
It is time for all pre-trib *ADDERS* to repent; and all CLOSET Post-Tribbers to come out of their closets and teach ALL of God's Word as per 2 Tim 4:1-8 since the End-Times are very near. Paul was inspired to write in 2 Timothy 4:8: “There is in store for me the Crown of Righteousness which the Lord will award to me on *THAT DAY*—and not only to me, but to *ALL who have longed for *HIS APPEARING*.” THE ETERNAL RENDEZVOUS WITH JESUS!
Revelation 13:17b,18: "The mark of the beast {Or antichrist} is the *NAME* of the Beast or the number of *HIS NAME*. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, *LET HIM* calculate the number of the Beast {Even in AD 96 when Revelation was written}, for it is a man's number {Or "Number of a MAN"}. *HIS* number is *666*." God has promised in the above inspired passage that any saint {Even in AD 96--which implies that the name was known in AD 96} with spiritual wisdom and insight may calculate the name of the beast which is a *MAN'S NAME* and adds up to 666.
In Thess 2:3 the Beast of the End-Times is called a "*MAN* of sin or lawlessness" or very SINFUL MAN and therefore the name of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a *MAN'S* name which is also confirmed in Rev 13:17b,18 above. Therefore, the NAME of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a sinful *MAN'S NAME* and could not be the name of a woman or a city, country, computer or Satan, etc.. 666 is also identified with a MASCULINE pronoun 28 times in God's Word which we will show later.
Rev 13:16,17: "He {The False Prophet} forced everyone... to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name {666}. The antichrist is called a "BEAST" 36 {6x6} times in Revelation. The BEAST is a much better name than antichrist since antichrist is mentioned 5 times in God's Word {I John 2:18{2X}, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7} and each time the word encompasses all who are against Christ. I John 2:18: "Even now many antichrists have come."
666 is referred to in the MASCULINE gender 28 times and the Beast is never referred to in the feminine or neuter gender. It is interesting to note that if the Beast of the end-times will be a religious organization, country or city it would be referred to in the female or neuter gender!!! The masculine pronouns used for the Beast are "HIS" 11 times: Rev 13:1, 5,16b,18b; 14:9,11; 17:7b; 19:2; 20:4(2X) & Daniel 7:26. "HE" 10 times: Rev 13:1;6a,7a,7; 17:8b; 17:11; 2 Thess 2:6; Daniel 7:24,25 & Daniel 9:27. "HIM" 5 times: Rev 13:4b; 19:20; 2 Thess 2:6; Daniel 7:25 & Daniel 9:27. "HIMSELF" 2 times in 2 Thess 2:4.
Actually there are **7 BIBLE CLUES** that show who the BEAST of the future 1260-day Tribulation will be. By an amazing coincidence all 7 Bible clues can be applied to Nero Caesar!!
{{1}} The BEAST will be a "MAN OF SIN" or very sinful MAN as per 2 Thess 2:3 above.
{{2}} The number of this sinful man's name is 666 as per Rev 13:16-18. The Bible was written by 40 Divinely inspired Hebrews in Hebrew and Greek so then it is highly probable that this man's name adds up to 666 in Hebrew or Greek. Nero Caesar's name adds up to 666 in Hebrew which we will show later in this Bible study.
{{3}} This sinful man whose name adds up to 666 DIED BEFORE AD 96 when Revelation was written.{See Rev 17:8 below} We will show later why Revelation was written between Sept AD 95 and Sept AD 96. Nero Caesar lived from December 15th, AD 37 to June 9th AD 68.
{{4}} This sinful man who was alive and then died before AD 96 was FATALLY WOUNDED by a sword wound to his head. Nero Caesar committed suicide with a sword wound to his head on June 9th, AD 68. {See Rev 13:3 and Rev 13:14 below}
{{5}} This very sinful man who died before AD 96 was a KING in the Roman Empire as per Daniel 7:24. There were 11 Roman Kings or Caesars who died before AD 96 including the 6th Caesar {Nero Caesar} who killed Paul and Peter in AD 66; and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Domitian Caesar was the 12th Roman Caesar who was alive when Revelation was written in AD 96.
{{6}} The beast is also called an 8th KING who ruled before AD 96 as one of 7 evil KINGS crowned by the city on 7 hills. {See Rev 17:9-11}
{{7}} This very sinful ROMAN KING whose name adds up to 666 and who was fatally wounded by a sword before AD 96, will "COME UP FROM THE *ABYSS* or *h**l* as per Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8. We know that the ABYSS is h**l by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31. We can be sure that Nero Caesar is now in the Abyss or h**l since he killed Paul and Peter and thousands of Christians and sent Vespasian {the father of Titus and Domitian Caesar} to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. The MAN OF SIN or Nero also killed his own mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach. Inscriptions have been found in Ephesus in which Nero is called "Almighty God" and "Savior". In Revelation 13:8a we learn that all the unsaved inhabitants of the world will worship the Beast. Nero and Caligula "abandoned all reserve" in promoting emperor worship - they were the only two Roman Caesars who demanded divine honors while still alive. Nero claimed to be the sun-god Apollo. In 2 Thess 2:4 we read that the "Man of Sin" will proclaim that he is God!
Revelation 17:8: The beast, which you saw, once was {alive}, Now {in AD 96} is not {alive} and will come up out of the ABYSS and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book life. ... will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was {Alive before AD 96}, now {In AD 96} is not {Alive} and yet will come. Rev 13:14: He {The False Prophet} will order the inhabitants of the earth to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived." Rev 13:3: “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been HEALED!! The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. “
During the last year of his rule Domitian Caesar decreed that everyone in the Roman Empire must worship idols of former Roman Caesar's or else they would be killed or put in prison. Historical documents show us that the Apostle John {Who then lived in Ephesus} lived to about AD 100 and therefore would have been alive during Domitian's evil decree of September AD 95 to September of AD 96. Since we can be sure that the Apostle John would never worship an idol of a Roman Caesar it is then highly probable that John was put in prison on Patmos Isle sometime during Domitian's evil decree from September AD 95 to September AD 96.
When I was a missionary in Israel I studied the Hebrew language. One of the first things that you learn when you study the OT Ancient Hebrew language {Which is also the language of Israel today!} is that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet ALSO represent 22 numbers! When you read Psalm 119 you will note that the 176 sentences are divided into 22 sections; each section with 8 sentences or verses praising the Word of God. These 22 sections are each headed by one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in the exact same order as shown below. The ancient Hebrew language {Which is exactly the same as the modern Hebrew language} frequently used the letters of their alphabet to designate numbers in the OT as follows: ALEPH=1. BETH=2. GIMEL=3. DALET=4. HE=5. VAV=6. ZAYIN=7. CHETH=8. TETH=9. YODH=10. KAPH=20. LAMED=30. MEM=40. NUN=50. SAMEKH=60. AYIN=70. PE=80. TSADHE=90. KOPH=100. RESH=200. SHIN=300. TAV=400.
NOTE: Most vowel sounds except "O" {VAV} are not used as letters in Hebrew. These vowel sounds are designated by dots and dashes under their *PRECEDING* consonants. In Hebrew "N" is added on the end of all foreign names ending in "O". Therefore, the foreign name of Nero would be "NERON" in Hebrew. The name Nero Caesar would be pronounced Neron Kaysar in Hebrew. The "E" in Neron and the 2 "A" sounds in Kaysar {There is no "C" in Hebrew} are designated by dots and dashes under their preceding consonants and therefore are not letters in the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet, and so have no numerical value.
Neron in Hebrew would use 4 letters with numerical value: N-R-O-N and Kaysar in Hebrew would use 3 letters with numerical value: K-S-R. There would be a dot under the first N to show the "E" sound in NEron There would also be 2 dots under the "K" to show the "AY" sound in KAYsar and a dash under the "S" to show the "AH" sound in KaySAHr. The 4 letters with numerical value in NERON would be {SEE TABLE ABOVE} N = NUN = 50; R = RESH = 200; O = VAV = 6; and N = NUN = 50 and 50+20+6+50 equals 306. The 3 letters with numerical value in "KAYSAR would be K = KOPH = 100; S = SAMEKH = 60; and R = RESH =200 and 100+60+200 equals 360. And
so the numerical value of Nero in Hebrew is 306 and the numerical value of Caesar in Hebrew is 360, and therefore the numerical value of Nero Caesar is 306+360 or exactly *666*!
There is a very interesting footnote in the revised Standard Version concerning the number 666 which states that some ancient manuscripts have the number **616** which *DOUBLY* confirms that Nero Caesar may be the future Anti-Christ!! You will note that the Hebrew language adds an "N" to all foreign names ending in "O". Now "N" or "NUN" in Hebrew has a numerical value of **50**!! and so if you decided not to add the last "N" in NERON then Nero Caesar would add up to exactly *616* in Hebrew. This is an absolutely amazing coincidence!
Any honest Hebrew language scholar will confirm that the letters of Nero Caesar's name add up to 666 in the Hebrew language whose 22 letters are also 22 numbers as shown above, and the Bible was written by 40 Jews. Since all of the prophecies concerning the antichrist are written in OT Hebrew {Like Daniel 7:8-25} or NT Koine Greek it would then seem logical that God would use one of these 2 Bible languages to identify the Name of the Beast whose letters add up to 666. One of the problems of doing this in NT Koine Greek is that the letters of their alphabet are not also numbers. And therefore you can only assign a numerical value of 22 to the 22nd letter, etc.. Using this formula you could not get any name to add up to over 250, let alone 666. You have the same problem with English & all other languages other than the Hebrew language! The 3 different Greek words used in Rev 13:18b to arrive at the number 666 are the 3 different Greek words for 600 and 60 and 6 and not 6 +6 + 6.
And so the *6th Caesar {Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius & the *6th* was NERO} ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD *66*. NERO fulfilled *ALL 7 BIBLE CLUES as to the identity of *666 and will be the Beast who comes up from the Abyss {Or h**l-See Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8} in the coming Great Tribulation!!
WHAT CITY WILL BE THE HEADQUARTERS OF 666 OR NERO CAESAR?? Most Bible scholars believe that the book of First Peter was written shortly after the beginning of Nero’s Roman persecution of Christians in AD 64 because of I Peter 4:12,13 & 5:8,9. We know that Peter and his wife were living in Rome at this time. Peter was inspired to write in I Peter 5:13: “She {Peter’s wife} who is in *BABYLON* {Nickname for *ROME*!} sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.” Apparently some Christians including Peter were inspired to call ROME “BABYLON” after Nero’s terrible persecution of Christians starting in AD 64. This is very interesting since the evil city of the End-Times is called “BABYLON” 6 times in Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21.
All encyclopedias agree that Babylon was completely evacuated in 275 BC and completely destroyed by 141 BC. The Wikipedia encyclopedia states, "By 141 BC, when the Parthian Empire took over the region, Babylon was in complete desolation and obscurity." The only question that remains is: Was Babylon rebuilt so that there could be people living in Babylon around AD 65 when Peter wrote 1 Peter 5:13??? Which leads us to the promises of God in Jeremiah 50:1-3,13: This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah concerning Babylon.."Babylon will be captured... A nation from the north will attack her and lay waste her land. No one will live in it; both men and animals will flee away!" Also read Jeremiah 52:52:61-64: And God ALWAYS keeps His promises. If you check out the latest Iraqi Tour Guides you will notice the following statement: "Today, Babylon lies COMPLETELY in ruins. A large and splendidly carved stone lion is all that remains of its former glories."
“Babylon” {Nicknamed Rome by Peter} is a “GREAT SEAPORT” in Rev 18:17-19; JUST LIKE ROME and UNLIKE Babylon whose ruins are NOW 4 miles from the very shallow Euphrates River; and UNLIKE Jerusalem which is 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level and 35 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Babylon is also completely FLAT whereas the End-Time "Babylon" will be a city built on 7 Hills JUST LIKE ROME!! Rev 17:18: “The woman you saw {Rev 17:3--Who sits with the Beast with 7 heads} is the great *CITY* {Rome--nicknamed Babylon in I Peter 5:13--See Rev 17:5a} that will rule over the kings of the earth.” The headquarters of 666 will be destroyed about 2 weeks before the Last Day. Rev 18:19: ”Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.” See Rev 17:5,6; & Rev 18:24.
Revelation 6:7,8: When the Lamb opened the 4th seal, I heard the voice of the 4th living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death {666 who will cause the death of millions} and Hades {The False Prophet who will cause millions to go to Hades by receiving the mark of 666} was following close behind him. THEY {Nero Caesar and the False Prophet?} were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Rev 13:3,4: “The whole world...worshipped the beast {666} and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him.”
Revelation 6:5,6: "A quart of wheat for a day's wages!" This phrase can also be translated “A loaf of bread for a day's wages." This event will occur at the coming of the black horse rider {The False Prophet?} Who rides close behind 666 as per Rev 6:8} which will take place just before the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Russia has said they are ceasing all WHEAT exports!! Becuase of tremendous droughts, plagues, floods, fires and heat waves there has been tremendous drops in Wheat production in Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Argentina and even Canada which has caused a rapid acceleration in the price of Wheat which has skyrocketed 80 % since July!!! There have been many food riots in the 3rd world because of a 40% rise in the price of bread. Because of the world's present economic crisis the majority of people in the 40 poorest counties now have to pay a full day's wages for a loaf of bread as per Rev 6:6!! And if the world experiences a world-wide depression this event could occur in over 100 countries. Many countries are far worse off than people in the USA during the Great Depression when there was 20% unemployment. The world economic crisis and food riots are rapidly accelerating. There are now 40 countries with unemployment rates of over 20 % and this should rapidly increase. And then the world will certainly be looking for an Economic Savior such as 666 and his very deceptive False Prophet. They will be looking for someone who promises CHANGE!! If the Great Tribulation would begin in the near future is there a well-known, powerful world leader that may qualify to be the deceptive False Prophet of 666 who will promise CHANGE you can believe in?? Will this powerful world leader try to bankrupt the USA which will in turn cause a world-wide depression and cause the price of a loaf of bread to cost a day's wages through out most of the world!!
The Greek word “PYRROS” which means “FIERY RED” is only mentioned 2 times in God's Word in Rev 12:2 and Rev 6:3. In Rev 12:2 Satan is the enormous {FIERY} red dragon and would also be the {FIERY} red horse Rider and 2nd horseman of Rev 6:3. The fiery red dragon will be kicked out of Heaven {Rev 12:9} and then will chase some of God's saints to a place in the wilderness {Rev 12:13-16} and then will wait for the coming of the 4th horseman or 666 as per Revelation 13:1 which will begin the 1260-day Tribulation.
So who will be the White Horse Rider of Rev 6:1,2?? In Revelation only the good guys wear WHITE! The martyrs will wear WHITE robes as per Rev 6:11 & Rev 7:10,13. On the Last Day Jesus will mount a great WHITE horse {Rev 19:11} and His saints dressed in WHITE will follow Him on WHITE horses {Rev 19:14}In Malachi 4:5 God has promised that He would send Elijah {Who went to Heaven on horses-2 Kings 2:11,12} before the Last Day of the Lord. Moses and Elijah were the 2 MEN dressed in *WHITE* who spoke about the 2nd coming of Jesus in the clouds in Acts 1:10,11. In Rev 11:3,6 God has promised that He would send His 2 witnesses and they would strike the earth with every kind of plague for 1260 days which as we have shown will begin 1263 ½ days before the Last Day. In Rev 6:1,2 it states that the White Horse Rider {Elijah?} will be given a bow and ride out as a conqueror. Elijah and Moses will certainly conquer many since fire from their mouths will destroy & conquer all who try to harm them. {Read Rev 11:5 & Rom 8:37} It is possible that the form of transportation for both Moses and Elijah may be a flying white heavenly horse and then they will both be White Horse Riders just as Jesus and all of His followers will be White Horses Riders on the Last Day.{Rev 19:11,14}
The False Prophet is referred to as "HE" {Masculine Gender} 9 times in Rev 13:11-16 & Rev 19:20. And "HE" will be a very "DECEPTIVE" False Prophet as shown in Rev 13:11-16 & Rev 19:20. And so Nero Caesar with the help of the armies of the False Prophet {Obama??} and other nations aligned with him will conquer 1/4 of the world {See Rev 6:8; 13:4b} After appointing 10 kings who have never before ruled {See Rev 17:12,13} 666 will then have "authority over every tribe, people, language and nation" as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in Rome.
666 and his false prophet will then quickly gain complete control over the radio, television, internet, newspaper and book medias. It is interesting to note that Obama is presently trying to control all of these medias in the USA which may be the world's most free country!! The Obama Internet kill switch plan was approved by Senate committee on June 27th, 2010!! This would allow Obama to completely shut down the Internet when he feels there is a national emergency?? Obama and his czars are now proposing ID information which would be provided by the federal government, thus eliminating all usernames and/or passwords a citizen may use for websites. What it really means is that the Department of Homeland Security will now be watching everything you buy, where you log on, what you're doing -- [and] what you have to say, by the way, on Twitter and Facebook.
The Internet is the last bastion of freedom and what we're seeing here is an attempt basically to control how it's used [and] who uses it – and they can eliminate people they don't want using it at a certain point.
Obama {Who already controls about 80% of the USA medias} and his czars are presently trying to get authority to shut down certain talk radio stations and TV stations in case of what they consider to be a national emergency. A national emergency and World War III might occur if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear capability. UN experts report that North Korea is exporting banned nuclear technology to Iran and Syria. North Korea attempted to start World War III when they shelled South Korea on Nov 23rd, 2010. Will Muslim extremists succeed in overthrowing the nuclear rich and unstable Pakistan government??
Do Obama's religious beliefs qualify him as the False Prophet?? Some insight into Obama's "Christianity" comes from an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book, "The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People." "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition," said Obama. He then adds something most Christians will see as universalism: "I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people...Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and Buddhists all have their own path to grace.” Jesus says of Himself, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." That sounds exclusive, but Obama says it depends on how this verse is heard. According to Falsani, Obama thinks that "all people of faith -- Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone -- know the same God. And so Obama is popular with people of all faiths and the fact that he is half black and half white makes him more acceptable with people of all colors. "Obama doesn't believe he, or anyone else, will go to h**l. But he's not sure he'll be going to heaven, either." The False Prophet will certainly teach that you can have your cake and eat it too, and that you will not go to h**l if you receive the Mark of the Beast which will allow you to buy or sell everything. However, Revelation 14:9-11; 19:20 & 20:10 confirm that he and all who receive the mark of the Beast will be tormented day and night forever and ever in h**l!! Obama told a crowd at Hocking College that he believes the Sermon on the Mount JUSTIFIES his support for legal recognition of same-s*x unions?? Obama approves of same s*x romantic and sexual relationships as do his former church, his pastor, and his former (So-called} Christian denomination?? Obama said that the Sermon on the Mount is a *BIG JOKE* since you can't have an army that offers up the other cheek??
The False Prophet should be hugely popular world-wide. Interesting fact: Obama has greater worldwide popularity than any leader in modern history according to a recent poll in Reader's Digest and was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize even though he did nothing to deserve it. Jesus is our Messiah and the Prince of Peace and is called the LAMB 30 times in the book of Revelation. The False Prophet is someone who is like a LAMB according to Rev 13:11b. People from all over the world including Louis Farrakhan {A Muslim leader} have already given Obama this interesting nickname: "THE MESSIAH"!! In a recent poll taken by BBC in Sept, 2009 about 66% of those polled around the world thought Obama would make a great World President!!
666 is called a BEAST 36 {6X6} times in Revelation and the False Prophet is also called a "BEAST" in Rev 13:11. Obama has nicknamed his presidential limousine "THE BEAST"!! In Revelation 13:11 the False Prophet is called the BEAST of the {PRESENT} EARTH. Whereas all true Christians are looking forward to a new heaven and NEW EARTH as per 2 Peter 3:13: "We are looking forward to a new heaven and a NEW EARTH the home of righteousness." {See Rev 21:1} Obama is the all-time world's greatest champion of EARTH day and saving the PRESENT EARTH from Global Warming, Greenhouse gasses, coal burning, offshore drilling and carbon emissions and he may bankrupt the world in trying to achieve these goals. Will forced skyrocketing gas prices be the straw which breaks the camel's back??
Over 330,000 people have lost their lives in earthquakes in 2010 when only 10,000 is typical. In addition to the world's catastrophic wheat famine total economic losses in 2010 from natural disasters skyrocketed to 167 billion; which is twice as much as any other year in history and was more than twice as much as the 72 billion in 2009!! Matthew 24:7b,8 tells about events to occur just before the Great Tribulation mentioned in Matt 24:9: “There will be famines and earthquakes in various place. These are the beginning of birth pains.”
If you dial O-B-A-M-A on your touch phone the "O" + "M" are both 6's or 6+6 and the other 3 letters B + A + A are all 2's or 2+2+2 which equals 6 for a grand total of 6+6+6 or 666. If you dial O-B-A-M-A you will dial 666! In Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15 666 is called an "ABOMINATION". In a recent Middle East tour Obama declared that the USA was "NOT a Christian nation!" I would tend to agree with Obama since Obama is rapidly and surely turning this nation into an "OBAMANATION"!! In the Health Care bill passed on March 21st, 2010 Obama demonstrated that through skillful Satanic lies, deceit and bribery he can completely control the richest, most powerful "Christian??" nation of the world. In what political analysts termed a snub, Obama did not dine with Netanyahu as promised during their White House meeting in March and by keeping the talks closed to the media, denied him the courtesy of a photograph with the president. In addition Obama's Vice President and Secretary of State took turns embarrassing and condemning the Israeli Prime minister. During the Great Tribulation 666 and his FALSE PROPHET will be responsible for the death of 2/3 {Which is exactly 66.6 %} of the Jews in the world and the remaining 1/3 will all be saved {Read Zechariah 13:8,9 & Romans 11:25-32}.
For the 3rd straight year, in a Gallup Poll; Obama was voted the Most Admired Man in the World by US Citizens: {*1st*} Barack Obama 22 % {*2nd*} George Bush 5 % {*3rd*} Bill Clinton 4 % - Pope Benedict 2 % - Billy Graham 2 % - Glenn Beck 2 %. OBAMAnable now is Commander in Chief and has complete control of the most powerful armed forces in the world. Rev 13:16: The False Prophet will force everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead {A FRONTAL *OBAMATRY*?} And so Obama meets *ALL of the requirements to be the future False Prophet of 666 which makes it a very interesting speculation.
In Matthew 24: 9-13 Jesus says that during the Great Tribulation: “Then *YOU* will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and *YOU will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the Faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of *MOST* will grow cold, but he {The Called, Chosen & Faithful-Rev 17:14b} who stands firm to the End will be saved.” I Peter 1:13: “Therefore, prepare your minds for ACTION, and set your hope *FULLY* on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is *REVEALED*!”
The life and teachings of Jesus are recorded in the {*FOUR*} Gospels. Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah {Rev 5:5} who was the {*FOURTH*} son of Israel. Jesus is the {*FOURTH*} King of *ALL* Israel. There was King Saul, King David, King Solomon and the {*FOURTH*} was and is King Jesus.
God made {*FOUR*} covenants with man after his creation; [*1*] God’s Covenant with Noah after the flood in Genesis 9:1-17. {*2*} God’s Covenant with Abraham as per Genesis 17:2-21. {*3*} God’s Covenant with Moses as per Exodus 34:10-28 {**4**} Heb 12:24: “Jesus the Mediator of a NEW COVENANT.” Heb 8:6: “The COVENANT of which Jesus is Mediator is superior to the old one, and is founded on better promises.” And so Jesus is the Mediator of the {*FOURTH*}, LAST AND BEST COVENANT!!.
As we have shown Herod’s Temple was the 3rd Temple which took 46 years {See John 2:20} to build. Ephesians 2:19b-22: "You are members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ Himself as the chief cornerstone {Of the {*FOURTH* and LAST ETERNAL TEMPLE}. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a HOLY TEMPLE in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. 2 Cor 6:16 "For WE are the TEMPLE of the Living God.”{Who does not live in temples made by hands as per Acts 17:24}. All the followers of Jesus are “living stones” of the {*FOURTH*} and LAST ETERNAL TEMPLE as per I Peter 2:5.
When Jesus comes again He will gather His elect from the {*FOUR*} winds {Matt 24:31 & Mark 13:27} and from the {*FOUR*} corners of the earth {Rev 7:1 & Rev 20:8}. Jesus will then take them to their eternal home in the {*FOUR*}-square New Jerusalem with its {*FOUR*} walls. God the FATHER and the *7* SPIRITS* of God are both mentioned exactly {**4**} times in Revelation.
The 1260-day Tribulation will begin when the {*FOUR*} Living Beings, who surround God’s throne in Heaven; orders the {*FOUR*} horsemen of the Apocalypse to “COME”. The 1260-day Tribulation is exactly 3 years and 164 days which would be {*4*} Bible months {4X30} plus {*44*} days of the {*FOURTH*} year of the Tribulation.
Jesus is mentioned 14 or {**7+7**} times in Revelation. Jesus walks among the {*7*} lamp stands which are the {*7*} churches and holds {*7*} stars in His right hand who are the {*7*} angels of the {*7*} churches.{See Rev 1:20} Only Jesus can open the scroll of the End-Times which has {*7*} seals and Jesus will open all {*7*} seals. {See Rev 5:5} Jesus has {*7*} horns and {*7*} eyes which are the {*7*} spirits of God sent out into all the earth.{See Rev 5:6} There are {*7*} spirits of God and {*7*} mighty angels who stand before the throne of God. {See Rev 1:4 & Rev 8:12} These {*7*} mighty angels will be given {*7*} golden bowls of plagues and {*7*} trumpets.
JESUS WILL COME AGAIN WHEN THE {*7TH*} ANGEL SOUNDS THE {*7th*} AND LAST TRUMPET, and then there will be a {*7TH*} DAY REST {Heb 4:9} for the people of God. Rev 11:15a, 18: “The {*7TH*} angel sounded his trumpet… the time has come for judging the dead and for rewarding your servants the prophets and saints.” I Cor 15:51: “Listen, I tell you a MYSTERY! We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last {Or *7TH*} trumpet.” Rev 10:7: “But in the days when the {*7TH*} angel is about to sound his trumpet, the MYSTERY {See I Cor 15:51 above} of God will be accomplished.
Jesus was the {*77TH*} generation from Adam {See Luke 3:23-38} and commanded us to forgive our brother not 7 times but {*77*} times. {See Matt 18:22} The Divine numbers {*7*} and {*4*} are mentioned {*74*} times in the book of Revelation. According to Wikipedia “Gematria” is a device to reveal a deeper, alternative, or hidden meaning in words, names or phrases and was used in Revelation 13:18 where the name of the beast adds up to {*666*}. Sin and Satan will rule the world for 6,000 years or {*6*} Lord’s days and Jesus was crucified for {*6*} hours on the {*6th*} day of the Bible week as per Mark 15:25,33,34,42,43. In the first century when the New Testament was written; the majority of believers were Jewish. Nero Caesar adds up {666} in Hebrew Gematria and Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Messiah, or “Yehshua Hamesheach” adds up to *749*{7 + 7X7} in Hebrew Gematria. However, at the present time the majority of true Christian believers {Not including Roman Catholics} speak English {USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand} The vast majority of Evangelical missionaries come from these English speaking countries. There are now over 2 billion people who speak English out of the 7 billion people in the world. So it is not surprising that there are many interesting words that add up to {*74*} and {*77*} in English Gematria. For example, Jesus adds up to {*74*} and Christ adds up to {*77*} in English Gematria {A =1 B=2 S=19 etc.} J = 10, E = 5, S = 19, U = 21, S = 19 & 10+5+19+21+19 = {*74*}. C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S= 19 T = 20 & 3+8+18+9+19+20 = {*77*}. There are also many other interesting words that add up to {*74*} In English (*74*) Gematria (*74*). Words such as English (*74*), Gematria (*74*), Messiah {*74*), Gospel (*74*), Disciple {*74*}, Fruit {*74*}, Parables (*74*), Preacher (*74*), God Son (*74*), Ruler (*74*), The King (*74*) Cross (*74*), Clouds (*74*), Heavens (*74*), Joshua (*74*) is the Jewish (*74*) name for Jesus (*74*).
On the Last Day Jesus (*74*) will come on the CLOUDS (*74*) of the HEAVENS (*74*). {See Matthew 24:30,31 & I Thess 4:17} JESUS (*74*) is the RULER (*74*) of the kings of the earth and the RULER (*74*) of God’s creation as per Rev 1:5 & Rev 3:14. DISCIPLE {*74*} of THE KING {*74*} of kings also adds up to {*74*} John 15:16: Jesus {*74*} says, “I chose you and appointed you to go and bear FRUIT {*74*}--FRUIT {*74*} that will last.” {See Matt 21:43; John 15:5,8; Gal 5:22; Phil 1:11; Col 1:6,10; Heb 13:15; Rev 22:2}
The *FOURTH* and Last Covenant of Jesus (*74*) is a Covenant of BLOOD (*47*). The BLOOD (*47*) of the CROSS (*74*). Luke 22:20: Jesus (*74*) the Messiah {*74*} says “This cup is the New Covenant in My BLOOD (*47*), which is poured out for you.”
CHRIST (*77*) is mentioned {*7*} times in Revelation. Christ adds up to {*77*} and was the {*77TH*} generation from Adam and Christ (*77*) commands us to forgive our brother not 7 times but {*77*} times. When Christ comes again the STARS {*77*} will fall from the sky {Matt 24:29} and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the STARS {*77*} for ever and ever. {Dan 12:3} CHRIST {*77*] will come with POWER (*77*) and great GLORY (*77*) as per Matthew 24:30. Revelation 1:6: “To him be POWER (*77*) and GLORY (*77*) for ever and ever!” C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20 & 3+8+18+9+19+20 = {*77*}. P = 16. O = 15, W = 23. E = 5, R = 18 & 16=15=23=5=18 = {*77*}. G = 7, L = 12, O = 15, R = 18, Y =25 & 7+12+15+18+25 = *77*. READ {28 or *7X4*} BIBLES {49 or *7X7*}, READ BIBLES {*77*}, OBEY BIBLE {*77*} and FATHER'S {*77*} add up to (*77*) Speak the Truth IN LOVE {*77*} {Eph 4:15} Do everything IN LOVE {*77*} {I Cor 16:14}
{*77*} plus {*74*} adds up to 151. Adding up to 151 is JESUS CHRIST, HOLY SPIRIT, THE RENDEZVOUS, JESUS IS LORD, BIBLE REVELATION, Christ Messiah, Christ Gospel, Christ Disciple and Christ Cross.
{*74*} plus {*47*} adds up to 121. Also adding up to 121 is REVELATION, JESUS JOHN, JESUS BLOOD, JESUS SAVE and OBEY JESUS
ABRAHAM, FAITH, HOPE, JUDAH {The *4th* son of Israel) ELDER and WEEK {7 DAYS} add up to {*44*}. 'WEEK' {*44*} is also translated 'seven' in the 70 WEEK prophecies in Daniel 9:24-27.{See NIV footnote in Daniel 9:24a}
SAVE, OBEY, BLOOD, LAMBS, OF GOD, JOHN & ROCK add up to {*47*} LAMB adds up to 28 or {*7X4*}
ABIB adds up to {*14*} or {*7+7*}. {*JESUS*}{*74*} {*CHRIST*}{*77*} became our Passover {*LAMB*}{*28*} or {*7+7+7+7*} on the {*14TH*} or {*7+7*} of {*ABIB*} which adds up to 14 or {*7+7*}
LORD, WAY, BIBLES REWARD, AARON and LUKE add up to {*49} or {*7X7*}. The Feast of WEEKS or Day of Pentecost was 7 WEEKS or *49* Days after our Lord's Resurrection Day See Leviticus 23:15 & Numbers 28:26 According to Leviticus 25:8 a Sabbath WEEK {44} is *7 YEARS and 7 times 7 Years or {*7*} WEEKS is called a Jubilee which is {*49*} Years. In Hebrew Gematria Jesus the Messiah or Yeshua HaMesheach adds up to exactly *749! or {*7* PLUS *7 TIMES *7*} {*THE FAITH*} AND {*THE HOPE*} BOTH ADD UP TO {**77**}
Rev 22:12: Jesus {*74*} says, “Behold, I am coming soon! My REWARD {49 or *7X7*} is with me.” Matt 16:27: “For the Son of Man is going to come in his FATHER'S {77} GLORY {*77*} and then He will REWARD {49 or *7X7*} everyone according to what he has done.” Eph 6:8: “You know that the LORD {49 or *7X7*} will REWARD {49 or *7X7*} everyone for whatever good he does.” Lord {49 or *7X7*} is mentioned 21 or {**7 + 7 + 7**} times in Revelation. Jesus is mentioned 14 or {**7 + 7**} times and Christ {**7**} times in Revelation.
On the Last Day Jesus (*74*) Christ (*77*), the Gospel (*74*) Preacher (*74*), the Jewish (*74*) Messiah (*74*), The King (*74*) and Ruler (*74*) of God’s creation will come on the Clouds (*74*) of the Heavens (*74*) with the Father's {*77*} Power (*77*) and great Glory (*77*) when the {*7TH*} angel sounds the {*7TH*} and Last Trumpet and will gather his living stones of the {*4TH*} and Last Temple from the {*4*} winds and the {*4*} corners of the earth and will then take them to their eternal home in the {*4*} Square New Jerusalem to enjoy forever the {*7TH*} Day Rest for the people of God according to the {*4TH*} and Last Covenant.
AMAZING DIVINE COINCIDENCE: The Lord's FIRST 3 APPOINTED OT BIBLE FEASTS at their appointed times {See Lev 23:5; 6,11b; 15,16} were also the exact days of the 3 MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN NT HISTORY!!
{*1*} The *ATONEMENT OF JESUS when He became our Passover Lamb {See I Cor 5:7} on the {*1ST FEAST*} or Passover Day Numbers 28:16;Deut 16:1 &Leviticus 23:5,6 Jesus is called the {*LAMB*} 30 times in Revelation.
{*2*} The *RESURRECTION OF JESUS on the day of FIRSTFRUITS which occurs during the {*2ND FEAST*} of Unleavened Bread for 7 days {See Lev 23:6,9-14} and takes place on the DAY AFTER the Unleavened Bread Sabbath. {See Lev 23:11b & I Corinthians 15:14,17,20-24} Jesus is called the {*FIRSTFRUITS*} in I Cor 15:20 & 23!
{*3*} The *COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT on the {*3RD FEAST*} or the Day of Pentecost which ocurred 50 days after the Unleavened Bread Sabbath and 7 WEEKS {The Feast of WEEKS} or 49 days after the day of {*FIRSTFRUITS*} See Leviticus 23:9,10,15,16; John 15:26; John 16:7-15 & Acts 2:1-4,17,18
{*4*} The NEXT and {*4TH*} Bible Feast is the Feast of TRUMPETS which occurs on the First day of the {*7TH*} Bible month {Lev 23:24}. Since the first 3 most important NT Bible events occurred on the first 3 Bible Feasts there are many Christians who believe that it is then logical to assume that the next and {*4TH*} most important Bible event will occur on the {*4TH*} Bible Feast of TRUMPETS on the first day of the (*7TH*} month when the {*7TH*} angel may sound the {*7TH*} and Last TRUMPET at the Second coming of Jesus for His saints. I Cor 15:20-24: “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the FIRSTFRUITS of those who have fallen asleep...For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ the FIRSTFRUITS {On the Day of FIRSTFRUITS}; then when He comes {On the {*4TH*} FEAST OF TRUMPETS??}, those who belong to Him. {*THEN*} the {*END*} will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.”
2 Peter 7,10,13: “The present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the DAY of judgement and destruction of ungodly men {Read 2 Thess 1:6-10 & Daniel 12:1,2,7b} ...But the DAY OF THE LORD will come like a thief.{To unbelievers} The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be burned up... But in keeping with His promise {*WE*} are looking forward to a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH, the Home of righteousness.” Read Rev 21:1-3!!
Numbers 28:16: “On the 14th day of the 1st month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” Exodus 12:6,7,12,13: “Take care of them {The Passover Lambs} until the 14th day of the month when all the people of Israel must slaughter them {See Lev 23:5} at Twilight {Just after sundown to nightfall}. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the doorframes of their houses. On that same night I will strike down the firstborn of the Egyptians… but when I see the blood I will PASS OVER you.” Deut 16:1: “Observe the month of ABIB and celebrate the PASS OVER of the Lord your God, because in the month of ABIB He brought you out of Egypt by night.” Lev 23:6: “On the 15th day of that month the Lord's 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread begins.”
Luke 22:7,8: Then came the day on which the Passover Lamb “Had” to be sacrificed. Jesus said, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.” Christ became our Passover Lamb on Passover Day! 1 Cor 5:7: “For Christ our PASSOVER LAMB has been sacrificed.” Whereas the Jews {who were following the evil Babylonian moon calendar} held their Passover on the 15th of Nisan {Which always occurs on the night of a full moon} and observed the Passover on the WRONG DAY as per John 18:28: “Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman Governor {Pilate}. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; for they wanted to be able to eat the PASSOVER!!” Which would have been the day “AFTER” Jesus correctly held the Passover on the 14th of ABIB which God had commanded. So we can assume that the month of ABIB is different from the Babylonian moon month of Nisan and therefore has nothing to do with the moon. When does the first month of the Bible Year called ABIB begin?? Many Bible scholars believe that it may begin of the first day of SPRING or sundown March 20th to sundown March 21st. ABIB is the Hebrew word for SPRING. And so the 14th Day of ABIB can also be translated the 14th day of SPRING!! The letters in {*ABIB*} add up to {*14*} or {*7+7*}. {*CHRIST*}{*77*} became our Passover {*LAMB*}{*28*} or {*7+7+7+7*} on the {*14TH*} or {*7+7*} of {*ABIB*} which adds up to 14 or {*7+7*}! [*LAMB*] & {*ABIB 14*} both add up to {*7+7+7+7*}!
All encyclopedias state that Augustus Caesar died on August 19, AD 14 and therefore the 15th year of the reign of his successor, Tiberius Caesar, would have been from August 19, AD 28 to August 19, AD 29. Luke 3:1,2: “In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar… the Word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert.” Now we know from Luke 3:1-3 above that John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius which most likely began on his 30th birthday according to OT Law {As per I Chron 23:3}. And we know from Luke 1:35-37 that John was 5 to 6 months older than Jesus. Luke 3:23: “Now Jesus Himself was as thirty years old when He began His ministry.” So if Jesus began His ministry on His 30th human birthday {As per OT Law} on or about December 2nd, AD 29 then John would have began his ministry 5 to 6 months earlier about June 2nd to July 2nd, AD 29 which would be in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar since the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar was completed on August 19th AD 29. The 30th birthday of Jesus was most likely about December 2nd AD 29 since He was baptized or Anointed 40 days earlier on October 23rd, AD 29 and since the Resurrection Day of our Lord Jesus was exactly 1260 days after His Anointing which was October 23rd AD 29 to April 5th, AD 33 which completed the first half of the last 7 {1260 days} of the 70 7's as we have already shown.
If you go to the Internet under {} you will be able to find the calendar for the month of April, AD 33 in Israel {Backspace and remove 2011 and type in 33 and Israel}. You will observe that April 2nd, AD 33 was on a Thursday and that April 5th, AD 33 was on a Sunday. So it is quite probable that Jesus held the Passover right after Sundown on April 2nd, AD 33; was crucified on Friday, April 3rd, AD 33; and then was raised to life on Sunday, April 5th, AD 33. Then the 14th day of the first Bible month of ABIB or PASSOVER DAY would have begun on the 14th day after March 21st AD 33 {The first day of Spring}. This is absolutely confirmed by the fact that there was a full moon {The 15th of Nisan} on April 3rd AD 33 {As per full moon footnote on calendar for April AD 33-Israel proven by the exact science of Astronomy} which would have been the day AFTER Jesus correctly held the PASSOVER on the 14th of ABIB or at twilight on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33. If the first day of ABIB was from sundown, March 20th, AD 33 to sundown March 21st, AD 33 then the 14th day of ABIB or Passover Day would have been from sundown, April 2nd, AD 33 to sundown, April 3rd, AD 33. And so our Lord’s Resurrection Day is always on the 16th of Abib; which is always on April 5th each and every year!!
Leviticus 23:24: The Lord said to Moses, “On the first Day of the 7th month you are to have a Day of Rest {See Heb 4:9}, a Sacred Assembly, commemorated with Trumpet blasts.” The {*4TH*} Bible Feast is also the time of the {*4TH*} Day of Rest and the {*4TH*} Sacred Assembly of the Bible Year. The first three are mentioned in Numbers 29:18,25 & 26. The Lord Jesus became our Passover Lamb on Passover Day which is always the 14th of Abib or every April 3rd. We know that our Lord Jersus was raised on the 16th day of the first Bible month, or the 16th of Abib which always occurs every April 5th and that every Bible month has exactly 30 days. Therefore the first day of the 7th month {The Feast of Trumpets} is exactly 180 days after the first day of the Bible year and exactly 164 days after the 16th of Abib; our Lord's Resurrection Day. The Great Tribulation is 1260 days or 3 years plus a leap year day {3 X 365 + 1 = 1096 days} plus 164 days. And so the 16th of Abib {Our Lord's Resurrection Day which is always April 5th} is always exactly 1260 days {Or 3 years plus 164 days} days before the Feast of TRUMPETS which is always on September 16th and could possibly be the saints Resurrection Day when the {*7TH*} angel sounds the {*7TH*} and Last TRUMPET on the first day of the {*7TH*} Bible month. .
Matthew 24:29: Jesus says, “Immediately after the distress of those {1260} days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.” Rev 6:13: “The stars in the sky fell to earth as *LATE {ripe} FIGS drop from a FIG tree.” Rev 14:15: The angel said to Jesus “Take your sickle and reap , because the time to reap has come, for the HARVEST of the earth is RIPE!” In Israel the fig tree normally produces a crop of figs in late June, and then another crop comes along in early September. And so LATE, RIPE FIGS are HARVESTED in mid-September which is the same time as the Feast of {*TRUMPETS*}!!
Matt 24:30,31: “Then the nations will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud {7TH & LAST} *TRUMPET* CALL and they will gather *HIS ELECT* from the 4 winds {Mark 13:27b adds:} “from the ends of the earth {Saints on earth} to the ends of the Heavens {Saints in Heaven}!!” JESUS WILL COME AGAIN WHEN THE [*7TH*} ANGEL SOUNDS THE LOUD {*7TH*} AND {*LAST*} TRUMPET CALL OF GOD [See 1 Thess 4:16}. Rev 11:15a, 18: “The {*7TH*} angel sounded his {*TRUMPET*}… and the time has come for judging the dead and for rewarding your servants the prophets and saints.” Rev 10:7: “But in the days when the [*7TH*} angel is about to sound his [*TRUMPET*] the {*MYSTERY*} of God will be accomplished! I Cor 15:51: “Listen, I tell you a {*MYSTERY*}! We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the {*LAST*} or {*7TH*} trumpet.” There are only 7 TRUMPETS in God’s Word during the Great Tribulation and the {*7TH*} {*TRUMP*} is of course the {*LAST TRUMP*} when the {*MYSTERY*} of God will be accomplished, and could possibly take place on the Feast of {*TRUMPETS MYSTERY*}?
Interesting Question??: Could the 1260-day Tribulation possibly take place from April 5th {Our Lord's Ressurection Day} 2011 to September 16th 2014: THE {*4TH*} FEAST OF TRUMPETS. Let us assume that the {*4TH*} great Bible event may occur on the {*4TH*} BIBLE FEAST OF TRUMPETS on September 16th, 2014 when Jesus {The chief cornerstone of the {*4*} Temple} may gather his living stones of the {*4TH*} and Last Temple from the {*4*} winds and the {*4*} corners of the earth and will then take them to their eternal home in the {*4*} Square New Jerusalem according to the {*4*} Gospels and the {*4TH*} and Last Covenant. Will the (*4TH*} great Bible event take place on the {*4TH*} Bible Feast on the Last Day of the 1260-day Tribulation which is exactly 3 years plus 164 days which would be {*4*} Bible months {4X30} plus {*44*} days of the {*4TH*} year of the Tribulation?? April 5th {*RESSURECTION DAY*} and September 16th, the {*4*TH*} Bible Feast, are always exactly {*4*} months and {*44*} days apart! September 16th is 180 days after the first day of the Bible Year which would be {*4 x 44 + 4*} days. April 5th is the 16th day of the Bible Year which is {*4 x 4*} or {*4+4+4+4*} days. Sundown, September 16th, 2014 is on a Tuesday which is the beginning of the {*4th*} day of the Bible week.
April 5th AD 33 {The Resurrection of Jesus} to September 16th, 2014: {The Resurrection of His saints??} on the first day of the {*7TH*} month when the {*7TH*} angel may sound the {*7TH*} Trumpet on the {*4TH*} Biblical Feast of TRUMPETS; is exactly {*4 X 70 7's*} {1960 Years} Plus 21 {*7 + 7 + 7*} Years Plus {*4*} Months Plus {*44*} days. {Or 1981 years Plus 164 days} Daniel 9:24: {*70 7's*} are decreed to ATONE FOR WICKEDNESS {APRIL 3-5, AD 33} and to bring in EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS! {SEPT 16TH, 2014??} Read 2 Pet 3:10-13 & Rev 21:1-5!!
On June 6th, 1967 the Jews again ruled Jerusalem {as prophesied} after 1897 years. The possible coming of the New Jerusalem on Sept 16th, 2014? is exactly {*47*} years plus 14{*7+7*} weeks plus {*4*} days after June 6th, 1967. April 5th, 2011 is exactly {*47*} weeks plus {*4*} days of the {*44TH*} year after June 6th, 1967!
As we have preiously shown, according to Daniel 9:27 the first half of the last 7 of the 70 7's was completed when Jesus put an end to all sacrifices for sin on April 3-5, AD 33 exactly 1260 days after His Anointing on October 23rd, AD 29; and that the last half of the last 7 will begin at the coming of {*666*} which begins the 1260-day Tribulation. The time period from April 5, AD 33 to the possible coming of {*666*} on April 5, 2011 will be exactly 1978 years or {*4*} X 70 7's {4X490 or 1960 years} plus 18 or {*6+6+6*} years. On May 14th, 1948 the Jews again ruled Israel {As prophesied} after 1878 years which is exactly {*66*} years plus the {*6th*} day of the 18th {*6+6+6*} week before {*666*} and his False Prophet may be conquered by Jesus on September 16th, 2014 as per Rev 19:20. Since the first half of the {*LAST 7*} {*ENDED*} on April 5th is it reasonable to speculate that the last half of the {*LAST 7*} may {*BEGIN*} on a April 5th in the future and that the {*LAST*} half of the {*LAST 7*} may {*END*} on the first day of the {*7TH*} Bible month when the {*7TH*} angel may sound the {*7TH*} and {*LAST*} Trumpet and God's saints will enjoy the {*7TH*} Day Eternal Rest for the people of God?? {Heb 4:9}
Could Barack Hussein Obama, the {*44TH*} President, and commander and chief of the world's most powerful army possibly become the future False prophet of {*666*} on April 5th, 2011 to September 16th, 2014?? On April 5th 2011 the {*44th*} President will be 49 {*7X7*] years plus 8 or {*4*} + {*4*} months plus {*4*} days old. As we have shown Obama meets *ALL of the requirements to be the future False Prophet of 666 which makes it a very interesting speculation.
The many interesting reasons why the Great Tribulation may begin in 2011 include the catastrophic wheat famine when the price of wheat has skyrocketed and caused a loaf of bread to cost a full days wages in over 40 countries as per Revelation 6:6. That “age of rage” is now playing out across the planet, with governments being toppled left, right and center as economic turmoil forces desperate people to revolt in a bid to rescue any kind of decent living standard. Also, over 330,000 people have lost their lives in EARTHQUAKES in 2010 when only 10,000 is typical. In addition to the world's catastrophic wheat, corn, rice and soybean FAMINES; total economic losses in 2010 from natural disasters skyrocketed to 167 billion; which is twice as much as any other year in history, and was more than twice as much as the 72 billion in 2009!! Matthew 24:7b,8 tells about events to occur JUST BEFORE the Great Tribulation mentioned in Matthew 24:9: In Luke 21:9 & Matthew 24:7b,8: Jesus says, When you hear of wars and REVOLUTIONS {Such as Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Greece, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria & Yemen}, do not be frightened...There will be FAMINES and EARTHQUAKES in various places. These are the BEGINNING of the birth pains! So read God's Word daily {Psalm 119:97} then do what it says {James 1:22} since our only weapon {2 Cor 10:4; Luke 6:27-36; Rom 12:17-21} is the Sword of the Spirit {Eph 6:17} which is the WORD OF GOD! {2 Tim 3:16}
In Matthew 24:3b,9-13: The disciples asked Jesus, “What will be the sign of your Coming and the end of the age?? Jesus answered..... {During the Great Tribulation} “Then *YOU* will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and *YOU will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the Faith and will betray and hate each other... Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of *MOST* will grow cold, but he {The Called, Chosen & Faithful-Rev 17:14b} who stands firm to the {*End*} will be saved. I Peter 1:13: “Therefore, prepare your minds for ACTION, and set your hope {*FULLY*} on the grace to be given YOU when Jesus Christ is {*REVEALED*}!! [Read Rev 12:11 & 13:10] Rev 3:3: Jesus says, “But {*IF*} you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.” I Thess 5:4: Paul said “But YOU BROTHERS {*CHURCH SAINTS*}, are not in darkness so that {*THIS DAY*} should surprise you like a thief.”
If you would like to comment call Richard at 863-651-4426 or e-mail All Bible studies try to compare all the Scripture on each specific topic. You can make copies of these Bible studies.
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