
Which detox method and duration?

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I want to detox before I become raw vegan (I am already vegan). So far I am looking at either: juice in general, water-only, lemon juice or raw fruits and veggies method. Does have any experience and know which method is best (or another better method) or how long I should go for? And how much I should excersise during my detox?




  1. do lots of weed and eat cigarettes

  2. I got a book called "The Juice Fasting Bible" by Sandra Cabot, M.D. and I followed her plan for a two day fast. The book has plans for a 1, 2, 3, and 7 day fast and has 59 different recipes for juices.

    Personally, I wouldn't try fasting longer than 3 days because I'm not overweight and I have a slightly fast metabolism, which makes me lightheaded if I go too long without eating. People who are overweight with a slow metabolism can probably fast for longer since they can burn their fat stores for energy.

    I actually did the fast a week after I stopped eating meat and drinking milk. It was a good way to start my new vegetarian diet with a clean slate, not only a good detox method. The fast gave me the confidence to give up old unhealthful eating habits and to start fresh.

    Good luck!

  3. If you are already a vegan I am not sure exactly what you need to remove from your body.  A vegan diet is extremely healthy and I think any kind of detoxing is just a waste of time and money.

  4. The myth of detoxification is rampant among all sorts of health food nuts. It's a holdover from the 18th century, when people purged themselves once a month or so with the idea that it was healthy.

    But there is absolutely no evidence that detoxing does anything. Indeed, there is no evidence that those vague "toxins" accumulate in the body. The kidney and bowel do a nice job of removing waste, and the rest is all superstitious garbage used to bolster various ideologies.

    Of course, you can make a nice living selling detox preparations to the gullible!

  5. Hey,

    I'm doing a liver detox at the moment but mine is an attempt to remove the drugs that have accumulated in my body after taking Accutane for a year. It is awful stuff. I found it hard to get help with the detox. People will try and sell you everything. I have spent hundreds already. I don't know If i have results yet. I have only done 1 month out of the 3. I also recommend doing a 3 month light detox because it takes this long for you liver to regenerate. A cheap thing to do is drink a whole lemon every morning. It causes toxins in your body to purge. You then have to eat lots of flax meal as this helps remove the toxins (otherwise they will be re absorbed) also try 2 tbls of extra virgin olive oil each day. Good luck!

  6. I agree with GivePeasAChance.  You should only have to detox if what you have been eating has something to detox out of you.  

    If you want to do a juice/liquid fast, then I recommend a lot of apple juice (for pectin which is good for the colon, for more available enzymes) with any juice or water in between.  One of my favorites is fresh carrot juice with a bit of ginger and cucumber.  All pure juices have different benefits, so use them all.   I recommend that you limit or eliminate exercise while on a juice fast.  Your muscles and body will not be able to function and repair in a healthy way without proper nutrition.  I like to meditate in place of exercise; cleanse the soul when you cleanse the body.  

    Juices have incomplete   The problem with juices is that you loose some of the benefits that the raw or whole fruit provides, such as fiber (a big loss) and others.  Limit the fast to three days plus or minus a day (your body requires more nutrients than the juice can provide after that).

    Most importantly, listen to your body.  It can tell you more than what I can.  I can only provide a guideline.  Also, remember that moderation resonates with our bodies.

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