
Which did you have? Doctor or midwife?

by Guest64873  |  earlier

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My husband and I are going to start trying for a baby in october and I want to make an appointment to get a full check up and what not before that to make sure im healthy. but I cant decide if I want a doctor or a midwife. in our hospital we have a wing for midwives so if anything goes wrong your still in the hospital. but I cant decide which to go to ..... what did you have doctor or midwife and are you glad you had them?




  1. I had a doctor, she was excellent, but i'm flirting with the idea of going with a midwife for my second pregnancy.  With my doctor I got tons of ultrasounds and had very specialized care, which was reassuring.  The downside was that I didn't have a very personal relationship with my doctor. I think midwives are more emotionally supportive, which appeals to me.

  2. I had an obstetrician and was extremely happy with my decision. I ended up having some complications with birth and had to have a c section. It was nice having the doctor I had seen throughout my pregnancy, the doctor i trusted perform the c section. ohh. on a side note if you are not already doing so start taking prenatal vitamins now... they help the healthy development of the eggs...

  3. I was very insistant on having a midwife. I didn't like the vibe of the doc and the midwife was much more understanding and mellow.

    I had my son in a place like you're describing. You stayed in the same room (not wheeled from room to room for delivery and then back for recovery) during the whole proceedure. As many people that I wanted in there could be in there at one time. There was even a little fold out couch that people could sleep on. There was also a surgical room and NICU in case anything happened, but thankfully I didn't need that.

    They also let you keep the baby with you in the little bassette and didn't just take him away to a nursery with all the other babies. I liked that a lot too. I am TTC #3 (1 son and 1 mc) and I hope to use a midwife again. Highly recommend it!

  4. I had a doctor.  There were no certified midwives in our community, and I had no interest in a home birth (with a direct entry midwife.).

    If I was to have a baby now, and there was a midwife available, that would be my choice.

  5. I had a doctor....I don't have anything against midwives, but I am a worry wart by nature so it was better for me to go to the doctor because I felt safer for some reason. Also, I had blood pressure problems before pregnancy so since that is considered high risk I had to go to a doctor anyway.

  6. I had both.  When my doctor wasn't available, I saw a midwife.  They were both great.

  7. i havent had anything but go with what you want. with what do you feel more secure, comfortable, ect.

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