
Which digital SLR camera should I get??

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I am a photojournalism student. My main concerns are VERY crisp shots and vivid color (isn't that what we all want?) Unfortunately, I can only spend around $1500-$2000, preferably around $1700-$2000 including the lens.

I already have a Nikon D40 with a 50mm f/1.8, a 55-200 VR and an 18-55 lens, so if I get a Nikon, I can use those. Otherwise, I'll sell them to get maybe one better all-purpose sort of lens. I want a camera that will carry me through journalism school until I have a job.




  1. The D300 would be a great choice ($1700) ... it will last you through school for sure and you can use the two lenses you own now.  Later you may want to buy a SB600 flash to use for those times you need more light.

    Years ago I got through school and shot for the school newspaper with a Nikon F2 with 20 mm, 55 mm macro and a 105 mm lens.  Of course we were shooting with Tri-X in those days.  With the lens focal lengths you have it should be breeze.

  2. I will give another vote for the D300. A great camera that will last you. I am a Canon guy but I have a couple of friends with this camera.

  3. For any serious work, the D300 would be your best bet; other than a full frame. It's an amazing camera, well worth its cost.

  4. I’m not an expert in the area, yet I have a suggestion! While reading your question the last few words struck my eye! ‘until you have a job’; why not Sony ALFA-200?

    (Don't be confused with ALFA-100)!

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