
Which digital camera is better ?

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A) Nikon S550

B) Nikon S600

C) Canon SD870 IS




  1. I'm going to have to say the Nikon S550 after reading some reviews on the other two. I personally own this camera and wasn't sure about the others but I read up on them some. The 550 has the best zoom also.

  2. Most of the new Digital cameras seem to have gone for large LCD displays and no view finders. This is a real problem in bright sun. Would suggest that you try to find one that still uses an optical view finder in addition to the LCD.

    My camera has 5.1 mega pixel, but I normally use 3 mp because it is faster and uses less space. Optical zoom should be about 5, but more would be great.

    The Sony camera below may be a good compromise. Two of the ladies selling cameras at Best Buy and Walmart own this camera.

    The Cannon SD750 (black) seems to be one of the best cameras for the money. ...

    This could be better. ...

    This could be best. Saw it for $249 at Walmart. ...

    Or this could be even better ... More camera. Also $249 at Walmart. The Walmart camera man owned this one. ...

    Check Walmart and Best Buy for prices. The people at Best Buy can give you really great advise and good prices.

    The first link below will provide lots of information on most of the old and new cameras available today.

    The second link will help you learn to clean the camera and battery contacts on any camera you buy. Digital Cameras require lots of power. If the contacts are not really good, there will be lots of problems even if the battery is fully charged.

  3. In the lower to mid price range cameras, I believe Canon makes the best cameras.  

  4. Nikon S550 is the best!

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