
Which direction does a ceciling fan rotate to cool?

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clock wise or counter clockwise - one is for winter use the other for summer




  1. It doesn't cool; it merely moves air.

    If the flow is up, then cooler floor air will be pulled up at the fan's location and the warm air will descend probably near the walls.

    If the flow is down, then the hotter ceiling air will be drawn down at the fan's location and the cooler floor air will rise near the walls.

    AND the fan's motor will add extra heat to the process.

  2. Air flow blowing down to cool.  air flow blowing up during the winter.  Clock wise/ counter clock wise depends on how the blades are pitched (angled).

  3. Counter-clockwise.

  4. Actually, the direction does not matter.  There was a theory that in the winter, the fan should blow the air towards the ceiling to move the warmer air downwards in the room.  Similarly, the fan in the summer should move the air straight downwards.  Consumer Reports ran tests on the effectiveness of fans for both summer and winter use.  It turns out that no matter what the season or the direction of the fan, people feel cooler when the air is moving.  That is, the fan works well in the summer, but it is disappointing in the winter.

  5. The proper direction is such that in summer the fan blows directly down towards the floor.  This also blows air directly onto people below cooling them

    In winter the direction is reversed so that the fan blows towards the ceiling.  The idea here is to provide gentle mixing of the air forcing warm air across the ceiling and down the walls.  This direction also prevents blowning air directly onto a person which in the dry winter time would be uncomfortable (drafty)

    Since fan blades can be pitched either way(depending on manufacturer and model), the rotation CW or CCW is irrelavant.  (For most CCW would provide a summertime downward flow)

      It is the result of the rotation that matters, UP flow in winter, Down flow in summer.


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