
Which do guys prefer??

by  |  earlier

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The cheerleader body type, thin and petite, but muscular, and healthy

or the model kind of shape, where there wafer thin, and have no muscle, but no fat either

i used to be super thin, like the model kind of body, btu now ive started doing tumbling , and ive got a cheerleader body

soo basically, athletic thin, or thin thin




  1. Out of the two? I guess the cheerleader-type body or whatever.

    Honestly, my ideal person would probably be of a medium weight but still be fit or at least happy with themselves. Generally, that type of person has more curves, plus they're softer and you don't have to worry about hurting them or anything.  

  2. I prefer this kind of beauty:  

  3. Cheerleader body type is definatly healthier. The model body type is TOO skinny and gross looking. People need some meat on their bones:]

  4. athletic thin supermodel thin is so gross

  5. i will go for cheer type body =]

    Going out with a twig isnt nice =x tbh

  6. cheerleader

  7. guys do not like twigs the cheerleader body is so much better where u actrlly still have a butt and b***s and a nice like flat stomach not where u can see ribs and bones and no but or b***s .. thast gross just think about it lol

  8. hmmm im not a guy

    but i know that alot of guys dont like stick girls, who have no b***s or no butts

    im a little thicker than the "cheerleader" body

    but guys like it!

  9. I'm not a guy, but i think that thin-thin is just gross for anyone. It doesn't look healthy.

  10. I like the smart funny ones...............

  11. The cheerleader body type.

    Athletic thin.

  12. cheerleader

    do mine;...

  13. how bout no thin, lets be what we are! there no normal or right shape! gosh, superphiscial????
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