
Which do u like better Cici's or papa johns?

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i personaly pick cici's it is much better. it is cheep and papa johns is really greasy it is gross




  1. I prefer Cici's and Domino's much better than the greasy Papa Johns, or Little Ceasers is horrible when I was there it was not very clean I mean the particular store I do not know about other  locations.


  3. papa johns with out a doubt...

  4. ok my favorite is mr gatti's but if I had to choose between those two it would be cici's because papa john's sucks!!! my sister got sick off there pizza one time from the meat balls...

  5. Personally I don't either but If i had to pick then Papa john's.

  6. Papa Johns is so much better!

  7. Neither, both are cheap and disgusting, not that I'm against cheap pizza but why waste you time eating something gross when you could get something better at Domino's that somewhat more expensive?

  8. Papa John's is the best! The cici's I went to was disgusting, THE FOOD WAS AWFUL!!!

  9. Cici's

    Cici's, little ceasars, and dominos are the only 3 places I get pizza from

  10. papa jhons cici is good for a chep lunch but prices r going up and the pizza crust/edge is bigger and toppins are skimppy

  11. dominoes

  12. I don't really like either one but i would take cici's as they have some good treats....

  13. Cici's is great. You get in, you eat, you leave. It's not as greasy as Papa John's, and it's less expensive.

  14. papa johns sucks, but i've never had cici's.

    i would say round table is best or pizza factory

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