
Which do u like better Pepsi or Coke???

by  |  earlier

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Pepsi or Coke??? everyone was askin which 1 i like better. i wana c which is most popular. so which do ya like better???




  1. coke 4 sure, its alot yummier

  2. Water would be far better for you!

  3. pepsi of course coke is so nasty

  4. i like pepsi better because of it's taste. it is more sweeter than Coke but then again coke has less sugar.

    But i still like pepsi better.

  5. pepsi!

  6. Pepsi

  7. i like both

  8. I like them both and really don't see a difference in flavor, but if I had to choose i'd  pick Pepsi.

  9. pepsi =]

  10. Pepsi ;)

  11. i like coke better cause pepsi seems kinda flat to me.

  12. they kinda taste the same to me so idk but then again if you really really taste them then i guess coke has a lot more "bubbles" and i like tht so i guess i like COKE way better!!!!!!!!!

  13. COKE

  14. COCA-COLA!

    pepsi is ok, but coke has ..the taste.

  15. Pepsi of course. =]

  16. i like both of them because they almost the same..

  17. Coke.

  18. i like pepsi

  19. I like them both. I also like wild cherry pepsi! :-) even though u didn't that ask that!

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